Showing posts with label Stressed. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Stressed. Show all posts

Monday, 23 September 2013

Stressed, Exhausted, From Fatigued to Fabulous

Are you Stressed, Exhausted, Can't Sleep at night? - read on.
Our health is truly the foundation that supports every other aspect of our lives. It’s difficult to live passionately, strive for our wildest goals and give generously of ourselves when we’re sick and exhausted…believe me, I’ve tried it and I know!
For more than a decade, I suffered from extreme exhaustion, mysterious symptoms and the unpleasant side effects of more medications than I care to recall. I finally reached the point where enough was enough – it was time to try a different approach to life.
Funny thing is, the approach that ended up working for me had nothing to do with the marvels of modern medicine or any high-tech treatments. It was, quite literally, getting back to basics – eating real food, slowing down (while paradoxically, accomplishing more) and giving my body all the things it was (at that point) screaming for…but in a language I hadn’t yet learned.
When I finally deciphered my body’s code, the change in my health was nothing short of astounding. Given the right conditions, our bodies have a miraculous capacity to heal themselves! My life was so dramatically changed that I promptly enrolled into a nutrition and wellness course and became a board certified health coach.
Today, my passion is to help others overcome their struggle with fatigue, brain fog, digestive discomfort, stress, insomnia and other unexplained symptoms that keep us from leading vibrant, fulfilling lives. One of my first projects was to interview the 16 dynamic, inspiring and incredibly knowledgeable women in From Fatigued to Fabulous .  This interview series is filled with tons of useful tips and information about nutrition, sleep, relaxation, relationships, career and finance along with many other topics that are vital to our wellbeing.
Traveling the journey I have, I now know with certainty that good health truly is the greatest gift in the world – but for many of us, it’s a gift we have seek out and earn.  I hope From Fatigued to Fabulous  will make your journey that much easier and I wish you all the good health and hope in the world!
Having just graduated from nutrition school, along with taking lots of pre-med classes for my 2nd degree, I thought I knew a lot – but From Fatigued to Fabulous taught me even more! If you’d like to take your life and health to another level – especially if you’re struggling with exhaustion, stress and sickness like I once was – I hope you’ll join us.  You can download the program right here  and rest easy knowing there’s a 60-day risk free, money back guarantee.

About the author:
Maria Saracen is a board certified Health Coach and the host & creator of From Fatigued to Fabulous