Showing posts with label fruit. Show all posts
Showing posts with label fruit. Show all posts

Monday, 9 September 2013

Does juicing provide good nutrition whilst dieting

Juicing works - you bet:

Apart from the fact that juiced fruits and vegetables have very low calories and no fat (just make sure you make them yourselves), they are loaded with a variety of vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and enzymes that help your body to perform at its best. Our bodies spend a lot of time trying to detoxify, repair and protect cells. When we are undernourished our bodies go into protection mode and store fat for survival. But, when your body is functioning at its peak condition and getting all the  nourishment it needs,  it can focus energy on fat loss. Juicing delivers a concentrated healthy cocktail straight into your body. No extra effort is needed to break down the juice and so it is absorbed quickly and starts working magic immediately.

Keys to weight-loss success while juicing:

Juicing vegetables and herbs while reducing fruit. Yes, of course fruit makes it taste so delicious. Yes, fruit sugar is healthier than refined table sugar… but it’s still sugar and will still cause spikes in your insulin and if your body cannot clear those sugars out, they will convert to fat stores. Also, watch how many carrots you use, believe it or not they have a lot of sugar as well.

Save juicing fruits for before and/or after your workouts. For the same reason as above, when you work out your body becomes primed for using glucose.

Skip snacking and start juicing. It seems that people always get hungry between meals. The solution to avoid binging on things you probably shouldn't be eating before dinner, is to juice up a big green glass of nutritional goodness. Hopefully the liquid will tide you over until your next meal, or at least it will get your brain thinking about health-conscious snacks.

Snack while juicing. Not on cheese and crackers or anything man-made but on the vegetables you are getting ready to juice. Sometimes our brains like chewing and feeling food in our mouths and stomach's, so give it that satisfaction while nurturing you.

Healthy habits don’t end with juicing. Whether you are having 1 juice a day or 5, remember that beyond your glass jar, you need to be eating healthy all day long. It kind of defeats the purpose of juicing for weight loss when you eat a big bowl of sugary cereal for breakfast, pizza for lunch, and burgers and fries for dinner.

Fill up on fresh juice before meals or going out. Even though juice is digested quickly and doesn't leave you full for long, your hunger may be quenched by the nutrients more than the feeling of full.

Alternate your veggies. Two ways that this works: you don’t get bored and you get a variety of nutrients.

Add some chia seeds, avocado, or olive oil. Healthy fats and fibers are not only good for you, but will keep you fuller longer. No one wants to diet, or spend their time with someone who is dieting, who has a big hungry monster in their stomach.

Create lasting habits:

Remember, juicing for weight loss is not a diet. Let juicing be your basis for a  healthy lifestyle. If you are taking the time to clean, chop and juice fresh fruits and vegetables then you should be making time to prepare and cook healthy homemade meals.

Some people start cold turkey with a juice fasting session. Others like to test the water with one, slowly adding more as they feel necessary. If you prefer to start the day with a balanced, nutrition-rich eating plan, you will find that having at least one glass of vegetable juice per day will make it easier to reach your weight loss goals in the long run. Try replacing your morning, afternoon, or before-bed snack with a juice and you are well on your way!
Why not see what Mike Geary has to offer on such foods whilst dieting.
In the mean time why not try.


     1 beet
     1 pink lady apple
     1 small slice of ginger

Before dinner:
     4 tomatoes
     2 green onions
     ½ green pepper
     2 carrots
     2 celery ribs
     Handful of parsley
     1 peeled lemon

Before bed:
     2 cucumbers
     4 romaine lettuce leaves
     Handful of mint

Tuesday, 15 September 2009

How to combat a Nasty Sweet Tooth

By Isabel
I can't tell you how many times each week I get the same email. "Isabel, I am doing great on your plan, but every once in a while, I'm still craving sweets!"

I am no different. I especially remember when I was pregnant, not only was I a bit more tired, I also craved sweet foods a lot more than I ever had before (my baby must take after my husband in that department).

I know that a nasty sweet tooth can be a real problem for a lot of people (not just pregnant folk). Many times cravings are an indication that you are not eating your meals in the right combinations or in the right proportions. That is why it is so important to find out your Metabolic Type (there is a whole chapter dedicated to this in The Diet Solution manual) and find exactly how many portions of each food you should be eating based on those results .

If you are following your healthy meal plans and the sugar monster is still out to get you, here are some healthy ways that I have been using myself to satisfy my sweet cravings:

1. Cut up some fresh fruit (berries, an apple, a pear, 1/2 banana) and put 1 tsp of raw, natural honey on top. One teaspoon goes a long way and gives your already sweet fruit a bit more of a kick.

2. Drink some Tea Juice. Essentially it is herbal tea sweetened with Stevia and cooled to be enjoyed as a cold drink. This really hits the spot at 3pm when I "think" I want a sweet treat, but this naturally sweetened beverage is enough to calm my cravings.

3. Mix some almond or peanut butter with unsweetened organic apple sauce and sprinkle cinnamon on top. YUMMY! This has been my pregnancy favorite! A great mid morning or afternoon snack.

4. Cut up one apple, spread almond butter or peanut butter on top and sprinkle some crushed raw cacao or organic dark chocolate on top.

5. A fruity herbal tea sweetened with stevia, xylitol or agave syrup in the evening is perfect right before bed to calm you after a busy day.

Remember you want to stay away from processed sugar and artificial sweeteners as much as possible. I personally use Stevia for all of my sweetening needs, but I know many people who also enjoy xylitol and agave syrup which are also great choices.

I think the best tasting Stevia can be found at