If you've ever been as near as a few feet away from any health food store, or even a supermarket, you should know firsthand that there is no shortage of protein powders available on the market today. In an effort to increase your daily protein intake easily, you've probably been tempted to buy one or more of these (or maybe you already have) and made them a part of your fat burning meal plans.
But there's a problem...
Until now, there has not been a protein powder that I felt confident recommending to you or even taking myself (there may be 1 or 2 on the market, but they're either ridiculously expensive or taste downright awful).
First - most protein powders are sweetened with artificial sweeteners. If your protein powder lists aspartame or sucralose as the sweetener...throw it out! These sweeteners are downright dangerous and toxic to your body and seriously hinder your fat burning efforts. Instead of helping you burn fat by increasing your protein intake, these artificially sweetened protein powders prevent you from losing fat by overwhelming your body with harmful toxins. Throw it away now, - in the bin!
Second - most protein powders are not only using a low quality source of whey, they are processing it at high temperatures. This method of manufacture completely denatures the protein and decreases the protein value (making it kind of pointless and a waste to take at that point). Sadly, it is extremely difficult to find out exactly how your protein powder has been processed as the owners of most protein powder companies are big corporations and difficult to get a hold of, they are not going to give up their secrets easily.
Well Prograde Nutrition have finally done it. They have finally formulated a Protein Powder that is not only delicious, but one that is sweetened with Stevia (a completely natural sweetener) and have only used the highest quality, cold processed whey. See this BBC article on Stevia.
The best thing about the people at Prograde is that they listen! Myself and many other fitness authors that I truly respect were downright honest with them and told them frankly we would not recommend any protein powder with artificial sweeteners in it! Guess what happened? They actually listened and spent months formulating this new product.
This is as much great news for me as it is for you. If I have a protein option that's going to be easier than scrambling eggs for breakfast or making a full post workout meal, Then I'll take it! With this new protein powder, I'm going to be able to maintain my current protein intake in a much easier way.
You can read more on this subject in Mike Geary's ebook the Truth about Six Pack Abs
Footnote: Read another of my posts on Whey Protein, Effective whey protein weight loss support
- USDA Report
Thursday, 12 November 2009
Wednesday, 11 November 2009
Are you suffering from the Portion Distortion Syndrome?
A couple years ago I was suffering from a condition that is not too commonly discussed, but does very often appear in many restaurants, parties and homes all over the world. Yes, you too may be suffering from this horrible condition and not even know it. What is this awful affliction? Well it's called: Portion Distortion, and it just may be what is holding you back from reaching your weight loss goals.
I can remember one particular occasion when I saw portion distortion at its very best. I was at a family party at a Spanish restaurant celebrating the Christening of my baby nephew Alex. Here I was chit chatting with guests and catching up with friends and relatives when I see the waiters walk out of the kitchen with what looked like the most insane servings of steaks, lobsters, chicken and salmon on each plate. At first I was thinking they were serving each plate on each table "family style", where the whole table could each enjoy a piece. I was wrong. One plate was for one person and the amount of food on each was downright scary.
I walked back to my table and said to my husband, "Holy smokes! Wait until you see the size of the portions!" My husband replied, "Oh Isabel, you exaggerate. You think one extra grain of rice on the plate is too much. I'm sure it's fine for normal people." There's a good question. Do we even know what a normal portion is anymore? Or a better question to ask ourselves would be, What is a healthy portion?
By the look on my husband's face when a huge mountain of chicken masala was placed in front of him and a lobster larger than my nephew on a 1 pound bed of 1 (I swear. That is no exaggeration) was placed in front of me, I knew he agreed this was not "normal" by any means.
Here's the sad and most unfortunate part. I would say that 75% of the people in the room ate the entire portion that was served to them. I realize each one of us is different, requiring different amounts for our body size and metabolic type, but no one and I mean no one needs 2 pounds of chicken, 20 ounces of steak, or 1 pound of rice in one sitting (sorry to break it to you). Could you eat this much over the course of one day? Of course you could. One meal though? Obviously not a healthy portion by any means.
Restaurants are not the only place where portion distortion creeps into our lives. We often do the same thing at home, serving ourselves one reasonable, healthy portion and then going again for seconds. If you are still hungry, then of course you shouldn't go hungry, but often it is not hunger that draws us back to the kitchen for more. It's the fact that the food just tasted good in the first place or that we ate so fast we didn't even get a chance enjoy the meal.
If you think too much food on your plate may be what's stopping you from seeing the weight come off, here are a few tips to help you battle the Portion Distortion Syndrome:
1. Eat Slowly. Yes, I know, In our fast paced society, it is a bit difficult to make the time to eat slow and enjoy your meal. I am not asking for a 2 hour lunch break here. All it takes is approximately 20 minutes for your brain and your stomach to register that food has arrived and calm your hunger. When we inhale our meal (and boy did I see some inhalers this weekend) in the first 5 minutes that it has been served, we do not give our bodies enough time to register the "I'm not hungry anymore" cue and of course we are left hungry and searching for more food. Give yourself a minimum of 20 minutes to eat before deciding if more food is even necessary. Savor each bite of food and chew it thoroughly (no inhalers, please!) For those of you that suffer from any gastrointestinal distress, you will actually find that this will greatly enhance your digestion just chewing your food more thoroughly and creating more digestive enzymes in your body.
2. When at restaurants or parties, take a good look at what is on your plate before you even pick up the fork. Figure out exactly how much of it would be healthy for you at this particular meal. This is what my husband did with his mountain of chicken and mashed potatoes. He said to me, "If I eat 1 and ½ pieces of chicken (there was 4 huge pieces on his plate) and half of these mashed potatoes, that is probably more than enough right?". Then he proceeded to cut exactly that much and put it over to one side of his plate and ate from there. If you just start attacking your plate the second it shows up in front of you, the whole thing will be gone (hopefully not including the plate itself) before you even realize it! The scary part is you won't even know how much you ate! We have all had those moments of total regret when our stomach is aching and we're asking ourselves "Why did I eat so much? Why didn't I stop sooner?" A better question to ask before this happens is "How much can I eat now and how much can I have again later?" Give yourself just 2 minutes to assess the portion that would be best for you and take the rest home. Not only will you prevent the stomach pains, but you will get to enjoy this delicious meal twice.
3. At home, put exactly what you intend to eat on your plate before you start eating. Take your time enjoying the food you have in front of you and don't make this an eating race with the rest of the table. I am often the last person finished at the table and I don't care. Why should I rush? Unless we have plans or somewhere to be there is no need for me to eat my whole dinner plate in 5 minutes. Not only do I enjoy my meal, but I enjoy talking to my family members during our meal and even put my fork down a few times to digest between bites (imagine that, putting the fork down). I know we are often influenced by the people eating around us and if everyone else is eating fast we have a tendency to follow. Keep at your own pace and have people follow your lead. I know when people eat with me they do have a tendency to eat much slower because I am not inhaling. You will influence others around you to eat healthier without even knowing it.
4. Always remember, there is more where that came from. Chances are none of us are going to suffer from a lack of food, especially when it comes to dining out and being invited to parties. There is no need to eat today like it is the last day that food is being served on this planet. You don't receive a special reward for "cleaning your plate" or finishing your meal the fastest. There is always more food available for your next meal (many times there is just too much food available) and we can always take food home with us or eat again in a few hours if we get hungry.
What did I do with my gigantic lobster and 1 pound mountain of rice? Actually my order was confused and I split my sister's salmon with her (which must have been at least 14 ounces) and we each had a healthy and satisfying piece with green beans and spanish rice on the side. The lobster and rice went home with another relative to serve to her entire family the next day.
Be careful of the Portion Distortion Syndrome. Use the above tips and I know weight loss will come much easier.
My friend Isabel De Los Rios who is a Certified Nutritionist and Certified Exercise Specialist is the author of The Diet Solution Program
I can remember one particular occasion when I saw portion distortion at its very best. I was at a family party at a Spanish restaurant celebrating the Christening of my baby nephew Alex. Here I was chit chatting with guests and catching up with friends and relatives when I see the waiters walk out of the kitchen with what looked like the most insane servings of steaks, lobsters, chicken and salmon on each plate. At first I was thinking they were serving each plate on each table "family style", where the whole table could each enjoy a piece. I was wrong. One plate was for one person and the amount of food on each was downright scary.
I walked back to my table and said to my husband, "Holy smokes! Wait until you see the size of the portions!" My husband replied, "Oh Isabel, you exaggerate. You think one extra grain of rice on the plate is too much. I'm sure it's fine for normal people." There's a good question. Do we even know what a normal portion is anymore? Or a better question to ask ourselves would be, What is a healthy portion?
By the look on my husband's face when a huge mountain of chicken masala was placed in front of him and a lobster larger than my nephew on a 1 pound bed of 1 (I swear. That is no exaggeration) was placed in front of me, I knew he agreed this was not "normal" by any means.
Here's the sad and most unfortunate part. I would say that 75% of the people in the room ate the entire portion that was served to them. I realize each one of us is different, requiring different amounts for our body size and metabolic type, but no one and I mean no one needs 2 pounds of chicken, 20 ounces of steak, or 1 pound of rice in one sitting (sorry to break it to you). Could you eat this much over the course of one day? Of course you could. One meal though? Obviously not a healthy portion by any means.
Restaurants are not the only place where portion distortion creeps into our lives. We often do the same thing at home, serving ourselves one reasonable, healthy portion and then going again for seconds. If you are still hungry, then of course you shouldn't go hungry, but often it is not hunger that draws us back to the kitchen for more. It's the fact that the food just tasted good in the first place or that we ate so fast we didn't even get a chance enjoy the meal.
If you think too much food on your plate may be what's stopping you from seeing the weight come off, here are a few tips to help you battle the Portion Distortion Syndrome:
1. Eat Slowly. Yes, I know, In our fast paced society, it is a bit difficult to make the time to eat slow and enjoy your meal. I am not asking for a 2 hour lunch break here. All it takes is approximately 20 minutes for your brain and your stomach to register that food has arrived and calm your hunger. When we inhale our meal (and boy did I see some inhalers this weekend) in the first 5 minutes that it has been served, we do not give our bodies enough time to register the "I'm not hungry anymore" cue and of course we are left hungry and searching for more food. Give yourself a minimum of 20 minutes to eat before deciding if more food is even necessary. Savor each bite of food and chew it thoroughly (no inhalers, please!) For those of you that suffer from any gastrointestinal distress, you will actually find that this will greatly enhance your digestion just chewing your food more thoroughly and creating more digestive enzymes in your body.
2. When at restaurants or parties, take a good look at what is on your plate before you even pick up the fork. Figure out exactly how much of it would be healthy for you at this particular meal. This is what my husband did with his mountain of chicken and mashed potatoes. He said to me, "If I eat 1 and ½ pieces of chicken (there was 4 huge pieces on his plate) and half of these mashed potatoes, that is probably more than enough right?". Then he proceeded to cut exactly that much and put it over to one side of his plate and ate from there. If you just start attacking your plate the second it shows up in front of you, the whole thing will be gone (hopefully not including the plate itself) before you even realize it! The scary part is you won't even know how much you ate! We have all had those moments of total regret when our stomach is aching and we're asking ourselves "Why did I eat so much? Why didn't I stop sooner?" A better question to ask before this happens is "How much can I eat now and how much can I have again later?" Give yourself just 2 minutes to assess the portion that would be best for you and take the rest home. Not only will you prevent the stomach pains, but you will get to enjoy this delicious meal twice.
3. At home, put exactly what you intend to eat on your plate before you start eating. Take your time enjoying the food you have in front of you and don't make this an eating race with the rest of the table. I am often the last person finished at the table and I don't care. Why should I rush? Unless we have plans or somewhere to be there is no need for me to eat my whole dinner plate in 5 minutes. Not only do I enjoy my meal, but I enjoy talking to my family members during our meal and even put my fork down a few times to digest between bites (imagine that, putting the fork down). I know we are often influenced by the people eating around us and if everyone else is eating fast we have a tendency to follow. Keep at your own pace and have people follow your lead. I know when people eat with me they do have a tendency to eat much slower because I am not inhaling. You will influence others around you to eat healthier without even knowing it.
4. Always remember, there is more where that came from. Chances are none of us are going to suffer from a lack of food, especially when it comes to dining out and being invited to parties. There is no need to eat today like it is the last day that food is being served on this planet. You don't receive a special reward for "cleaning your plate" or finishing your meal the fastest. There is always more food available for your next meal (many times there is just too much food available) and we can always take food home with us or eat again in a few hours if we get hungry.
What did I do with my gigantic lobster and 1 pound mountain of rice? Actually my order was confused and I split my sister's salmon with her (which must have been at least 14 ounces) and we each had a healthy and satisfying piece with green beans and spanish rice on the side. The lobster and rice went home with another relative to serve to her entire family the next day.
Be careful of the Portion Distortion Syndrome. Use the above tips and I know weight loss will come much easier.
My friend Isabel De Los Rios who is a Certified Nutritionist and Certified Exercise Specialist is the author of The Diet Solution Program
eating food,
eating out,
healthy eating,
weight loss
Wednesday, 28 October 2009
Foods to alleviate back pain
Hi It's Isabel - new post
In my house there's a phrase I hear quite often...
"Oh, my back hurts!"
Because my dear old husband, Stewart, suffers from back pain... just like more than half of all adults in the western world.
Yes, we can lay some blame on college football and a desk job that keeps him seated for more than 8 hours a day. But there are a lot of factors that make the situation worse and, luckily, a lot of things that can be done to make the situation better.
One thing Stewart always does say is when he's eating really well, and staying away from "junky" foods his back feels much, much better. (What do you mean? Isabel's husband doesn't eat perfectly all the time?) Nope, definitely not (sorry sweetie, I just ratted you out).
Some people would say this may be because the more weight you're carrying around on your body, the more strain you are putting on your back. Yes, this is probably true, but my husband is not overweight, so there must be something else to this.
Whats the reason?
Specifically internal inflammation and this kind of inflammation can be greatly controlled by the food you eat.
Internal inflammation is a lot like external inflammation but you can't see it so it is not as obvious to us. When you sprain your ankle, your body's natural response is to signal pain (so you won't keep moving and cause more damage) and will also cause inflammation in the injured area (again, so you'll just lie on the couch and chill out). It will also direct fresh blood, antibodies, and vital cells to the area to aid in the healing process. This sounds all fine and dandy but when your body creates inflammation and pain signals in your lower back, sometimes debilitating you for the day, it is not so fine and dandy anymore. Like my husband, you may have experienced this before.
I have had plenty of people look at me like I was crazy when I tried to tell them that if they just eliminated "inflammatory foods" from their meal plans, a lot of the pain would go away. Especially medical professionals who have been so accustomed to just prescribing surgery or pain medications to alleviate bad backs. But I have seen it happen right before my eyes time and time again. People need to eliminate inflammatory foods like wheat, dairy and sugar, and voilà
...Back pain gone in a few weeks.
So what kind of foods should you avoid and which foods should you eat to control and prevent back pain?
Sugar, from any source
Processed foods
French Fries
Fast Foods
White bread
Ice Cream
Cheddar Cheeses
Snack Foods
Oils such as vegetable and corn
Soda, caffeine and alcohol
Atlantic Salmon (wild)
Fresh whole fruits, vegetables
Bright multi-colored vegetables
Lean poultry
Nuts, legumes and seeds
Dark green leafy vegetables
Old fashioned oatmeal
Green tea
Olive oil
In my house there's a phrase I hear quite often...
"Oh, my back hurts!"
Because my dear old husband, Stewart, suffers from back pain... just like more than half of all adults in the western world.
Yes, we can lay some blame on college football and a desk job that keeps him seated for more than 8 hours a day. But there are a lot of factors that make the situation worse and, luckily, a lot of things that can be done to make the situation better.
One thing Stewart always does say is when he's eating really well, and staying away from "junky" foods his back feels much, much better. (What do you mean? Isabel's husband doesn't eat perfectly all the time?) Nope, definitely not (sorry sweetie, I just ratted you out).
Some people would say this may be because the more weight you're carrying around on your body, the more strain you are putting on your back. Yes, this is probably true, but my husband is not overweight, so there must be something else to this.
Whats the reason?
Specifically internal inflammation and this kind of inflammation can be greatly controlled by the food you eat.
Internal inflammation is a lot like external inflammation but you can't see it so it is not as obvious to us. When you sprain your ankle, your body's natural response is to signal pain (so you won't keep moving and cause more damage) and will also cause inflammation in the injured area (again, so you'll just lie on the couch and chill out). It will also direct fresh blood, antibodies, and vital cells to the area to aid in the healing process. This sounds all fine and dandy but when your body creates inflammation and pain signals in your lower back, sometimes debilitating you for the day, it is not so fine and dandy anymore. Like my husband, you may have experienced this before.
I have had plenty of people look at me like I was crazy when I tried to tell them that if they just eliminated "inflammatory foods" from their meal plans, a lot of the pain would go away. Especially medical professionals who have been so accustomed to just prescribing surgery or pain medications to alleviate bad backs. But I have seen it happen right before my eyes time and time again. People need to eliminate inflammatory foods like wheat, dairy and sugar, and voilà
...Back pain gone in a few weeks.
So what kind of foods should you avoid and which foods should you eat to control and prevent back pain?
Foods to avoid to control and eliminate inflammation (i.e. inflammatory foods)
Sugar, from any source
Processed foods
French Fries
Fast Foods
White bread
Ice Cream
Cheddar Cheeses
Snack Foods
Oils such as vegetable and corn
Soda, caffeine and alcohol
Foods to eat to control and eliminate inflammation (i.e. anti-inflammatory foods)
Atlantic Salmon (wild)
Fresh whole fruits, vegetables
Bright multi-colored vegetables
Lean poultry
Nuts, legumes and seeds
Dark green leafy vegetables
Old fashioned oatmeal
Green tea
Olive oil
Back pain,
Diet Solution,
healthy eating,
Friday, 16 October 2009
Not all fat makes you fat.
Hello Everyone, I am going to discuss fats.
There is an incredible thing that happens when you lose weight and finally get your health in order (I'm not talking about buying a new bikini)...Everyone wants to know how you did it. Am I right?
This is exactly what has happened to my mom. Last year she lost 40 pounds and was able to stop taking her blood pressure and cholesterol medications just by using the principles in The Diet Solution (I haven't asked her about the bikini).
Now, even a year later, all of her friends are constantly calling her to ask their nutrition and health questions. Funny thing, they never want to talk to me, they only want to talk to her!
Last week my mom called me and needed a bit of help. "Isabel, I tried to tell one of the ladies at the YMCA where I exercise that she should use coconut oil to cook and she nearly fell off the exercise machine. I think she thought I was trying to kill her. She said her doctor told her to stop eating all saturated fat and that oils like coconut oil are fattening. How do I explain to her that it's actually good for her?"
This same scenario happens to me all the time. People have a really hard time believing that coconut oil is not "fattening" or "dangerous". We have all been falsely led to believe that fat, especially saturated fat, is the cause of our weight gain and health problems. This is only true half true. Some fats like hydrogenated oils and vegetable oils do contribute to heart disease and weight gain, but good fats like coconut oil, butter and olive oil are actually great fats for our bodies. Think about how much healthier people were in the late 1800's and very early 1900's. Heart disease was almost unheard of back then.
Let's put some of these MYTHS about coconut oil to rest right now.
Myth 1 - Coconut Oil contains a lot of fat so it must be fattening.
Truth - Not all fat makes you fat (I want to get this tattooed on my forehead). Certain fats do cause weight gain, but other good fats will actually burn unwanted fat off your body and accelerate your metabolism. I explain this in much more detail in the FATS Chapter of The Diet Solution Program so be sure to reference your manual for those details.
Myth 2 - Coconut Oil contains almost all saturated fat so it must be bad for you.
Truth - Saturated Fat is not the cause of heart disease, weight gain and high cholesterol. Saturated Fat has been falsely accused and it is SUGAR that is Enemy Numero Uno (It is worse than the Joker in Bat Man). Again, this is explained thoroughly in your manual (The Truth About Saturated Fat), stating facts and figures that prove saturated fat is really not our major problem.
Myth 3 - Coconut Oil should be avoided by those who are at risk for heart disease .
Truth - The fat in coconut oil is one of the healthiest oils you can consume (yes, even for those with heart disease). It is rich in lauric acid, which is known for its antiviral, antibacterial, and antifungal properties and contains no trans fat. The saturated fat in coconut oil is different than many other oils in that it is of the medium-chain fatty acid (MCFA) variety. The body digests MCFAs more easily and sends these fats directly to the liver where they are immediately converted into energy. Now isn't that great? A fat that is used to make energy instead of storing it on our bodies. We can all use some of that.
I highly recommend everyone use unrefined, organic coconut oil for all of their cooking needs. 1 - 2 tsps for most cooking is more than enough. You can even use it raw if you like as I think, it tastes OH SO DELICIOUS! I usually have about 2-3 total TBSPs per day which is a perfect amount for a fat burning eating plan. While it's really good for you, there's no need to go overboard.
If you have a hard time finding coconut oil in your local supermarket here in the USA, I buy mine here:
Now go right ahead and enjoy your coconut oil.
There is an incredible thing that happens when you lose weight and finally get your health in order (I'm not talking about buying a new bikini)...Everyone wants to know how you did it. Am I right?
This is exactly what has happened to my mom. Last year she lost 40 pounds and was able to stop taking her blood pressure and cholesterol medications just by using the principles in The Diet Solution (I haven't asked her about the bikini).
Now, even a year later, all of her friends are constantly calling her to ask their nutrition and health questions. Funny thing, they never want to talk to me, they only want to talk to her!
Last week my mom called me and needed a bit of help. "Isabel, I tried to tell one of the ladies at the YMCA where I exercise that she should use coconut oil to cook and she nearly fell off the exercise machine. I think she thought I was trying to kill her. She said her doctor told her to stop eating all saturated fat and that oils like coconut oil are fattening. How do I explain to her that it's actually good for her?"
This same scenario happens to me all the time. People have a really hard time believing that coconut oil is not "fattening" or "dangerous". We have all been falsely led to believe that fat, especially saturated fat, is the cause of our weight gain and health problems. This is only true half true. Some fats like hydrogenated oils and vegetable oils do contribute to heart disease and weight gain, but good fats like coconut oil, butter and olive oil are actually great fats for our bodies. Think about how much healthier people were in the late 1800's and very early 1900's. Heart disease was almost unheard of back then.
Let's put some of these MYTHS about coconut oil to rest right now.
Myth 1 - Coconut Oil contains a lot of fat so it must be fattening.
Truth - Not all fat makes you fat (I want to get this tattooed on my forehead). Certain fats do cause weight gain, but other good fats will actually burn unwanted fat off your body and accelerate your metabolism. I explain this in much more detail in the FATS Chapter of The Diet Solution Program so be sure to reference your manual for those details.
Myth 2 - Coconut Oil contains almost all saturated fat so it must be bad for you.
Truth - Saturated Fat is not the cause of heart disease, weight gain and high cholesterol. Saturated Fat has been falsely accused and it is SUGAR that is Enemy Numero Uno (It is worse than the Joker in Bat Man). Again, this is explained thoroughly in your manual (The Truth About Saturated Fat), stating facts and figures that prove saturated fat is really not our major problem.
Myth 3 - Coconut Oil should be avoided by those who are at risk for heart disease .
Truth - The fat in coconut oil is one of the healthiest oils you can consume (yes, even for those with heart disease). It is rich in lauric acid, which is known for its antiviral, antibacterial, and antifungal properties and contains no trans fat. The saturated fat in coconut oil is different than many other oils in that it is of the medium-chain fatty acid (MCFA) variety. The body digests MCFAs more easily and sends these fats directly to the liver where they are immediately converted into energy. Now isn't that great? A fat that is used to make energy instead of storing it on our bodies. We can all use some of that.
I highly recommend everyone use unrefined, organic coconut oil for all of their cooking needs. 1 - 2 tsps for most cooking is more than enough. You can even use it raw if you like as I think, it tastes OH SO DELICIOUS! I usually have about 2-3 total TBSPs per day which is a perfect amount for a fat burning eating plan. While it's really good for you, there's no need to go overboard.
If you have a hard time finding coconut oil in your local supermarket here in the USA, I buy mine here:
Now go right ahead and enjoy your coconut oil.
Coconut Oil,
Diet Solution,
fatty acids,
lose weight
Tuesday, 13 October 2009
Top 10 Foods you May Think are Healthy, but are NOT
Hi Its Isabel:
Just a few weeks ago I told you how I spent the weekend filming some great fat loss nutrition videos. Well one thing I had to do before I started filming was go to the grocery store and buy several "bad" food items and "good" food items (Actually, I already had most of the good in the fridge, so that part was easy).
I walked up and down the aisles looking for foods that claimed to be "healthy" or "good for you", but listed ingredients on the label like high fructose corn syrup, hydrogenated oil and artificial sweeteners.
Do you know what happened?
Before I knew it, I had a cart completely full. The number of products I found seemed endless. I couldn't believe all the false marketing claims all over these foods and needless to say, I ended up ridiculously angry by the end of this trip! (Don't worry. I abstained from throwing stuff around the store. I try and keep my composure in public.)
Why would I get so angry? Well it just makes me so mad to imagine all the people that have fallen for these false claims...all in an effort to eat healthy or try to lose weight. It breaks my heart actually (and no, I'm not exaggerating), probably because I used to be one of those people who thought they were doing the "right" thing but I had fallen for all of this false marketing as well.
Now it would take me pages and pages to list all the foods and ingredients I found in each of these products, but here
Isabel's "Top 10 Foods you May Think are Healthy, but are NOT" (and I'm going to hope that your favorite meal, snack or drink is not on this list):
1. Whole Wheat bread - all contain enriched flour and some contain high fructose corn syrup
2. Low Fat and/or Low Sugar Salad Dressings - canola oil, sugar (or some use artificial sweeteners instead...which is worse!)
3. Sports Drinks - high fructose corn syrup, not to mention all the nasty dyes that are used to make it all sorts of fluorescent colors
4. Dry Roasted Almonds - canola oil and some add sugar
5. Almost all Protein and Energy Bars - soy and sugar
6. Almost all High Protein and High Fiber cereals - soy and canola oil
7. Low Sugar Instant Oatmeal - sugar, soy, and artificial sweeteners
8. Diet and Weight Loss Shakes (and other diet shakes) - canola oil and sugar
9. 100 Calorie Snack Packs - enriched flour and artificial sweeteners
10. Flavored Yogurt - sugar or artificial sweeteners
Take a look in your fridge and in your pantry right now and see if any of your favorite foods contain ingredients that may just be stopping you from reaching your fat loss goals. Sometimes, seeing results or overcoming a weight loss plateau is as easy as getting rid of some of these so called "healthy" foods.
Now on to a happier topic...
I've got some great news!
I've been asked to speak at a LIVE, in person event, along with some of my favorite fitness authors and coaches. Not only is this an incredible honor, but it is a great opportunity for me to meet you and all of my other wonderful readers and subscribers. I'm so excited!
This event will be taking place in sunny Tampa, Florida January 16th - 18th, 2010.
The weekend will be jam-packed with activities, each day beginning with morning workouts instructed by premier bootcamp coaches like Craig Ballantyne and Scott Colby, followed by motivational and educational presentations in the Grand Ballroom from training, nutrition, and mindset experts like Joel Marion, Jon Benson, Vince Del Monte, Shawn Phillips, Holly Rigsby and ME...just to name a few!
And yes, there will be plenty of time to interact and socialize!
Tickets will go on sale next week and I know seats are going to be limited (all of the speakers, including myself, want to make sure we have enough time to meet all of the attendees). All you need to do right now is clear your calendar for January 16th - 18th and watch your email inbox early next week for the link to the early bird discount. I'll be sure to let you know the second these tickets become available.
Just a few weeks ago I told you how I spent the weekend filming some great fat loss nutrition videos. Well one thing I had to do before I started filming was go to the grocery store and buy several "bad" food items and "good" food items (Actually, I already had most of the good in the fridge, so that part was easy).
I walked up and down the aisles looking for foods that claimed to be "healthy" or "good for you", but listed ingredients on the label like high fructose corn syrup, hydrogenated oil and artificial sweeteners.
Do you know what happened?
Before I knew it, I had a cart completely full. The number of products I found seemed endless. I couldn't believe all the false marketing claims all over these foods and needless to say, I ended up ridiculously angry by the end of this trip! (Don't worry. I abstained from throwing stuff around the store. I try and keep my composure in public.)
Why would I get so angry? Well it just makes me so mad to imagine all the people that have fallen for these false claims...all in an effort to eat healthy or try to lose weight. It breaks my heart actually (and no, I'm not exaggerating), probably because I used to be one of those people who thought they were doing the "right" thing but I had fallen for all of this false marketing as well.
Now it would take me pages and pages to list all the foods and ingredients I found in each of these products, but here
Isabel's "Top 10 Foods you May Think are Healthy, but are NOT" (and I'm going to hope that your favorite meal, snack or drink is not on this list):
1. Whole Wheat bread - all contain enriched flour and some contain high fructose corn syrup
2. Low Fat and/or Low Sugar Salad Dressings - canola oil, sugar (or some use artificial sweeteners instead...which is worse!)
3. Sports Drinks - high fructose corn syrup, not to mention all the nasty dyes that are used to make it all sorts of fluorescent colors
4. Dry Roasted Almonds - canola oil and some add sugar
5. Almost all Protein and Energy Bars - soy and sugar
6. Almost all High Protein and High Fiber cereals - soy and canola oil
7. Low Sugar Instant Oatmeal - sugar, soy, and artificial sweeteners
8. Diet and Weight Loss Shakes (and other diet shakes) - canola oil and sugar
9. 100 Calorie Snack Packs - enriched flour and artificial sweeteners
10. Flavored Yogurt - sugar or artificial sweeteners
Take a look in your fridge and in your pantry right now and see if any of your favorite foods contain ingredients that may just be stopping you from reaching your fat loss goals. Sometimes, seeing results or overcoming a weight loss plateau is as easy as getting rid of some of these so called "healthy" foods.
Now on to a happier topic...
I've got some great news!
I've been asked to speak at a LIVE, in person event, along with some of my favorite fitness authors and coaches. Not only is this an incredible honor, but it is a great opportunity for me to meet you and all of my other wonderful readers and subscribers. I'm so excited!
This event will be taking place in sunny Tampa, Florida January 16th - 18th, 2010.
The weekend will be jam-packed with activities, each day beginning with morning workouts instructed by premier bootcamp coaches like Craig Ballantyne and Scott Colby, followed by motivational and educational presentations in the Grand Ballroom from training, nutrition, and mindset experts like Joel Marion, Jon Benson, Vince Del Monte, Shawn Phillips, Holly Rigsby and ME...just to name a few!
And yes, there will be plenty of time to interact and socialize!
Tickets will go on sale next week and I know seats are going to be limited (all of the speakers, including myself, want to make sure we have enough time to meet all of the attendees). All you need to do right now is clear your calendar for January 16th - 18th and watch your email inbox early next week for the link to the early bird discount. I'll be sure to let you know the second these tickets become available.
Saturday, 26 September 2009
Are Low Carb Diets Good or Bad for Weight Loss Success?
Everybody has heard of “low carb" diets -- since they seem to be emerging as the newest trend in dieting.
But do they really work? ...
If so, are they the solution to weight loss that everybody is looking for?
Well we don’t think so, because most low carbohydrate diets have several problems which make losing weight very difficult for the “average” dieter.
For example, if you follow the Atkins diet (a popular low carb program) then the restriction on carbs for the first couple weeks is very severe (by almost any standards).
The Atkins program allows you to have just 20 grams of "net carbs" per day during the first phase of the diet (which usually lasts for 2 weeks).
Just to give you an idea of how few carbs that really is – even a large apple has more than 20 grams of "net carbs".
This low level of calories is usually too severe for the “average” dieter to tolerate for 2 weeks straight, and in fact eating such a low level of calories can make a person feel “weak”, “miserable” and even "spaced out" all day long (because your body needs more carbs than that for energy), and can lead to long term health problems.
Other low carb diets (such as the South Beach Diet) are not quite as severe as the Atkins Plan, but in our opinion even the South Beach Diet is not as easy to follow as it could be.
We firmly believe that a successful diet needs to be easy to follow – because that’s the only way that people will stick to the diet and lose weight.
We also believe that diets should not make average people feel “miserable” and “weak” all day long, because if a diet makes people feel miserable and weak then it’s going to be very difficult for average dieters to adhere to such programs.
We’re not saying that all low carbohydrate diets are as restrictive as the Atkins Diet is, but we're saying that most low carb diets are so hard to follow that the average dieter will probably wind up feeling hungry and weak all day long (which is not a good thing for dieting success in our opinion).
We believe that “low carbs” is not the answer to losing weight, since your body needs a reasonable amount of all 3 types of calories to lose weight consistently.
The reality is that your body needs a reasonable amount of protein, carbohydrates and fat calories too otherwise fatigue / exhaustion will set in.
To lose weight quickly you must eat all 3 types of calories in the right proportions, and that’s why most dieters fail. They fail because nobody understands what the right amounts of calories should be.
To start losing weight quickly we recommend using the new From Fatigued to Fantastic Program, featuring over 8 hours of interviews with experts in nutrition, relationships, career, finances, sleep and so much more.
But do they really work? ...
If so, are they the solution to weight loss that everybody is looking for?
Well we don’t think so, because most low carbohydrate diets have several problems which make losing weight very difficult for the “average” dieter.
For example, if you follow the Atkins diet (a popular low carb program) then the restriction on carbs for the first couple weeks is very severe (by almost any standards).
The Atkins program allows you to have just 20 grams of "net carbs" per day during the first phase of the diet (which usually lasts for 2 weeks).
Just to give you an idea of how few carbs that really is – even a large apple has more than 20 grams of "net carbs".
This low level of calories is usually too severe for the “average” dieter to tolerate for 2 weeks straight, and in fact eating such a low level of calories can make a person feel “weak”, “miserable” and even "spaced out" all day long (because your body needs more carbs than that for energy), and can lead to long term health problems.
Other low carb diets (such as the South Beach Diet) are not quite as severe as the Atkins Plan, but in our opinion even the South Beach Diet is not as easy to follow as it could be.
We firmly believe that a successful diet needs to be easy to follow – because that’s the only way that people will stick to the diet and lose weight.
We also believe that diets should not make average people feel “miserable” and “weak” all day long, because if a diet makes people feel miserable and weak then it’s going to be very difficult for average dieters to adhere to such programs.
We’re not saying that all low carbohydrate diets are as restrictive as the Atkins Diet is, but we're saying that most low carb diets are so hard to follow that the average dieter will probably wind up feeling hungry and weak all day long (which is not a good thing for dieting success in our opinion).
We believe that “low carbs” is not the answer to losing weight, since your body needs a reasonable amount of all 3 types of calories to lose weight consistently.
The reality is that your body needs a reasonable amount of protein, carbohydrates and fat calories too otherwise fatigue / exhaustion will set in.
To lose weight quickly you must eat all 3 types of calories in the right proportions, and that’s why most dieters fail. They fail because nobody understands what the right amounts of calories should be.
To start losing weight quickly we recommend using the new From Fatigued to Fantastic Program, featuring over 8 hours of interviews with experts in nutrition, relationships, career, finances, sleep and so much more.
atkins diet,
fat burning,
Fat loss,
Fatigued to Fantastic,
Low Carbs,
south beach diet
Monday, 21 September 2009
Exercise after eating - diet tip
Exercising after eating a meal can help promote weight loss by boosting hormones that suppress appetite, say UK scientists.
Thanks to these hormones, active people feel less hungry immediately after exercise, and this carries through to their next meal, experiments suggest.
Even when their meals were bigger, sporty people gained fewer calories overall because they burned off more.
The University of Surrey and Imperial College London joint work is published in the Journal of Endocrinology.
Exercise may alter people's appetite to help them lose weight.
According to researcher Dr Denise Robertson:
Twelve volunteers were fed the same breakfast.
An hour later, half of them worked out for an hour on an exercise bike while the other half sat quietly.
Both groups were left for another hour and then allowed to eat as much as they liked.
Exercise guidelines
Unsurprisingly, people who exercised burned more calories than those who sat quietly, 492 kcal compared to 197 kcal.
And when given the chance to eat afterwards, people who had exercised tended to eat more, 913 kcal versus to 762 kcal.
However, when the amount of energy burned during exercise was taken into account, the sporty people took in fewer calories overall - 421 kcal compared to 565 kcal for the inactive group.
And levels of hormones called PYY, GLP-1 and PP, which tell the brain when the stomach is full, increased during and immediately after exercise.
Volunteers also said they felt less hungry during this time.
Researcher Dr Denise Robertson said: "In the past we have been concerned that, although exercise burns energy, people subsequently ate more after working out. This would cancel out any possible weight reduction effects of exercise.
"But our research shows that exercise may alter people's appetite to help them lose weight and prevent further weight gain as part of a healthy, balanced lifestyle."
Experts recommend people do at least 30 minutes of physical activity on five or more days a week.
'Significant contribution'
Dr Ian Campbell, medical director of the charity Weight Concern, said: "This is an interesting study. Patients often report that they feel increased hunger and eat more after exercise.
"What this study shows is that, although total calorific intake is greater, the net result, because of the exercise taken, is a reduction in the net energy balance.
"Dieting is never easy. Increased physical activity is an essential part of any weight management programme, not just to expend more calories but also, as we see here, to help control our appetite too."
Dr John McAvoy, a GP with a special interest in obesity, said the study was a "significant contribution to understanding the complex mechanisms of energy balance".
"It will be of much more interest to the pharmaceutical industry than the general public at this stage, for the simple reason that most people view exercising so soon after eating as akin to putting your fingers down your throat," he added.
"For exercise to contribute to weight control it should be sustainable over the long term and enjoyment remains a critical factor to this end."
Effects of exercise on gut peptides, energy intake and appetite
Catia Martins, Linda M Morgan, Stephen R Bloom1 and M Denise Robertson
Journal of Endocrinology (2007) 193, 251-258 DOI: 10.1677/JOE-06-0030
Article originally posted on BBC News
Thanks to these hormones, active people feel less hungry immediately after exercise, and this carries through to their next meal, experiments suggest.
Even when their meals were bigger, sporty people gained fewer calories overall because they burned off more.
The University of Surrey and Imperial College London joint work is published in the Journal of Endocrinology.
Exercise may alter people's appetite to help them lose weight.
According to researcher Dr Denise Robertson:
Twelve volunteers were fed the same breakfast.
An hour later, half of them worked out for an hour on an exercise bike while the other half sat quietly.
Both groups were left for another hour and then allowed to eat as much as they liked.
Exercise guidelines
Unsurprisingly, people who exercised burned more calories than those who sat quietly, 492 kcal compared to 197 kcal.
And when given the chance to eat afterwards, people who had exercised tended to eat more, 913 kcal versus to 762 kcal.
However, when the amount of energy burned during exercise was taken into account, the sporty people took in fewer calories overall - 421 kcal compared to 565 kcal for the inactive group.
And levels of hormones called PYY, GLP-1 and PP, which tell the brain when the stomach is full, increased during and immediately after exercise.
Volunteers also said they felt less hungry during this time.
Researcher Dr Denise Robertson said: "In the past we have been concerned that, although exercise burns energy, people subsequently ate more after working out. This would cancel out any possible weight reduction effects of exercise.
"But our research shows that exercise may alter people's appetite to help them lose weight and prevent further weight gain as part of a healthy, balanced lifestyle."
Experts recommend people do at least 30 minutes of physical activity on five or more days a week.
'Significant contribution'
Dr Ian Campbell, medical director of the charity Weight Concern, said: "This is an interesting study. Patients often report that they feel increased hunger and eat more after exercise.
"What this study shows is that, although total calorific intake is greater, the net result, because of the exercise taken, is a reduction in the net energy balance.
"Dieting is never easy. Increased physical activity is an essential part of any weight management programme, not just to expend more calories but also, as we see here, to help control our appetite too."
Dr John McAvoy, a GP with a special interest in obesity, said the study was a "significant contribution to understanding the complex mechanisms of energy balance".
"It will be of much more interest to the pharmaceutical industry than the general public at this stage, for the simple reason that most people view exercising so soon after eating as akin to putting your fingers down your throat," he added.
"For exercise to contribute to weight control it should be sustainable over the long term and enjoyment remains a critical factor to this end."
Effects of exercise on gut peptides, energy intake and appetite
Catia Martins, Linda M Morgan, Stephen R Bloom1 and M Denise Robertson
Journal of Endocrinology (2007) 193, 251-258 DOI: 10.1677/JOE-06-0030
Article originally posted on BBC News
quick weight loss
Saturday, 19 September 2009
How to lose your butt for 2010
Losing weight is on many people’s minds nowadays. This is because there is more information coming in to the media, that highlights the dangers of being obese and of not being vigilant when it comes to diet. In the US alone, over 40% of the population can be considered overweight. This essentially means a BMI of over 25. BMI or body mass index is the standard measure used to gauge one’s weight in relation to their height. It does not really measure, the actually measure of the quantity of fat that is in the body, but it is nevertheless accepted by many medical organizations as the standard way of measuring obesity. Obesity on the other hand is termed as a condition where the body accumulates more fat to the extent that it becomes a health risk. Obesity kills over 400,000 people in the US and costs billions of dollars in lost productivity for workers who have to miss work because of obesity-related medical visits.
There are many ways one can become obese and before we look at how you can lose your butt in 2009, let us examine a few ways in which people gain that butt in the first place. In today’s society, people find themselves so hard pressed for time that they cannot go grocery shopping or cook. Their only option now becomes eating out at a fast food restaurant. Fast food restaurants in turn have mushroomed by the hundreds to cater for this growing number of customers. While they have been trying to reduce the amount of fat they use to fry their food, fast food restaurants nevertheless continue to churn very high-calorie meals and at times the calorie level of some meals can be as high as the entire required calorie intake for the whole day! It is also not unusual nowadays to see whole families eating lunch breakfast and dinner at fast food restaurants. Coupled with a lifestyle again that is too busy to allow for time to exercise, being obese becomes the next logical step for many of these people. There are off course those who have genetic issues that prevent the body metabolism from burning enough calories and so fat is accumulated faster and if these same people live the fast food lifestyle, then they can become obese.
Having a bigger butt is direct result of being obese for most people. Today, many are trying to lose their butt and have become focused on doing so especially for this 2009. There are various ways one can do this.
One way is to exercise. There are many simple exercises and workouts that one can engage in to lose their butt. The first one is walking (yes, walking, something that quite a few of us seem to have fogotten how to do). This is sometimes hard because we live in a society where we need to drive everywhere but when it comes to short distances, walking can go a long way in ensuring that we burn enough fat in our hip, thigh and butt area. Sit ups and simple jogging exercise also help immensely. Swimming is an excellent way to burn of those carbohydrates.
There are many ways one can become obese and before we look at how you can lose your butt in 2009, let us examine a few ways in which people gain that butt in the first place. In today’s society, people find themselves so hard pressed for time that they cannot go grocery shopping or cook. Their only option now becomes eating out at a fast food restaurant. Fast food restaurants in turn have mushroomed by the hundreds to cater for this growing number of customers. While they have been trying to reduce the amount of fat they use to fry their food, fast food restaurants nevertheless continue to churn very high-calorie meals and at times the calorie level of some meals can be as high as the entire required calorie intake for the whole day! It is also not unusual nowadays to see whole families eating lunch breakfast and dinner at fast food restaurants. Coupled with a lifestyle again that is too busy to allow for time to exercise, being obese becomes the next logical step for many of these people. There are off course those who have genetic issues that prevent the body metabolism from burning enough calories and so fat is accumulated faster and if these same people live the fast food lifestyle, then they can become obese.
Having a bigger butt is direct result of being obese for most people. Today, many are trying to lose their butt and have become focused on doing so especially for this 2009. There are various ways one can do this.
One way is to exercise. There are many simple exercises and workouts that one can engage in to lose their butt. The first one is walking (yes, walking, something that quite a few of us seem to have fogotten how to do). This is sometimes hard because we live in a society where we need to drive everywhere but when it comes to short distances, walking can go a long way in ensuring that we burn enough fat in our hip, thigh and butt area. Sit ups and simple jogging exercise also help immensely. Swimming is an excellent way to burn of those carbohydrates.
big butt,
lose weight,
obesity fat loss,
quick weight loss,
Thursday, 17 September 2009
How dieting can affect weight loss
Excess weight is often referred to by the term obesity. This is a condition where the body accumulates more fat than is being processed or burned by the normal metabolism. In many cases, this can be genetic but in most, there is obviously a diet problem that needs to be reconsidered. Obesity is measured in what is called body mass index or BMI according to the fitness and medical circles. BMI is arrived at by dividing weight by height and then squaring the result. A BMI of 25-29kg/m is considered overweight.
Obesity is dangerous. Medical research shows that the chances of a heart attack are exponentially increased the higher the BMI goes. People who are overweight also struggle with a myriad of other complications. For instance, obese people also have to deal with a low self-esteem, because the general mass media pushes the image of the slim model as the ideal. Clothes are also hard to find and one has to shop at special stores. More health problems include sleep irregularities and the risk of a stroke.
How does diet help? Researchers and nutritionists report that there is a correlation between weight loss and dieting. Education is key. Reading the labels when shopping is recommended. There are some foods which have a higher calorie content than others and knowing this will put one in the right track. By education, we also mean that you should familiarize yourself with the food pyramid. You can easily access this at the food pyramid website which is supported by the Food and Drug Administration.
Dieting does not always mean starving yourself. It can mean that you are taking precautions as to what you eat. That means cooking with oils such as olive oil which has healthy fats and does not encourage fat accumulation. Of course animal fats should be avoided if possible.
Obesity is dangerous. Medical research shows that the chances of a heart attack are exponentially increased the higher the BMI goes. People who are overweight also struggle with a myriad of other complications. For instance, obese people also have to deal with a low self-esteem, because the general mass media pushes the image of the slim model as the ideal. Clothes are also hard to find and one has to shop at special stores. More health problems include sleep irregularities and the risk of a stroke.
How does diet help? Researchers and nutritionists report that there is a correlation between weight loss and dieting. Education is key. Reading the labels when shopping is recommended. There are some foods which have a higher calorie content than others and knowing this will put one in the right track. By education, we also mean that you should familiarize yourself with the food pyramid. You can easily access this at the food pyramid website which is supported by the Food and Drug Administration.
Dieting does not always mean starving yourself. It can mean that you are taking precautions as to what you eat. That means cooking with oils such as olive oil which has healthy fats and does not encourage fat accumulation. Of course animal fats should be avoided if possible.
body mass index,
excess weight,
health problems,
weight loss
Tuesday, 15 September 2009
How to combat a Nasty Sweet Tooth
By Isabel
I can't tell you how many times each week I get the same email. "Isabel, I am doing great on your plan, but every once in a while, I'm still craving sweets!"
I am no different. I especially remember when I was pregnant, not only was I a bit more tired, I also craved sweet foods a lot more than I ever had before (my baby must take after my husband in that department).
I know that a nasty sweet tooth can be a real problem for a lot of people (not just pregnant folk). Many times cravings are an indication that you are not eating your meals in the right combinations or in the right proportions. That is why it is so important to find out your Metabolic Type (there is a whole chapter dedicated to this in The Diet Solution manual) and find exactly how many portions of each food you should be eating based on those results .
If you are following your healthy meal plans and the sugar monster is still out to get you, here are some healthy ways that I have been using myself to satisfy my sweet cravings:
1. Cut up some fresh fruit (berries, an apple, a pear, 1/2 banana) and put 1 tsp of raw, natural honey on top. One teaspoon goes a long way and gives your already sweet fruit a bit more of a kick.
2. Drink some Tea Juice. Essentially it is herbal tea sweetened with Stevia and cooled to be enjoyed as a cold drink. This really hits the spot at 3pm when I "think" I want a sweet treat, but this naturally sweetened beverage is enough to calm my cravings.
3. Mix some almond or peanut butter with unsweetened organic apple sauce and sprinkle cinnamon on top. YUMMY! This has been my pregnancy favorite! A great mid morning or afternoon snack.
4. Cut up one apple, spread almond butter or peanut butter on top and sprinkle some crushed raw cacao or organic dark chocolate on top.
5. A fruity herbal tea sweetened with stevia, xylitol or agave syrup in the evening is perfect right before bed to calm you after a busy day.
Remember you want to stay away from processed sugar and artificial sweeteners as much as possible. I personally use Stevia for all of my sweetening needs, but I know many people who also enjoy xylitol and agave syrup which are also great choices.
I think the best tasting Stevia can be found at http://www.stevivasweetener.com.
I can't tell you how many times each week I get the same email. "Isabel, I am doing great on your plan, but every once in a while, I'm still craving sweets!"
I am no different. I especially remember when I was pregnant, not only was I a bit more tired, I also craved sweet foods a lot more than I ever had before (my baby must take after my husband in that department).
I know that a nasty sweet tooth can be a real problem for a lot of people (not just pregnant folk). Many times cravings are an indication that you are not eating your meals in the right combinations or in the right proportions. That is why it is so important to find out your Metabolic Type (there is a whole chapter dedicated to this in The Diet Solution manual) and find exactly how many portions of each food you should be eating based on those results .
If you are following your healthy meal plans and the sugar monster is still out to get you, here are some healthy ways that I have been using myself to satisfy my sweet cravings:
1. Cut up some fresh fruit (berries, an apple, a pear, 1/2 banana) and put 1 tsp of raw, natural honey on top. One teaspoon goes a long way and gives your already sweet fruit a bit more of a kick.
2. Drink some Tea Juice. Essentially it is herbal tea sweetened with Stevia and cooled to be enjoyed as a cold drink. This really hits the spot at 3pm when I "think" I want a sweet treat, but this naturally sweetened beverage is enough to calm my cravings.
3. Mix some almond or peanut butter with unsweetened organic apple sauce and sprinkle cinnamon on top. YUMMY! This has been my pregnancy favorite! A great mid morning or afternoon snack.
4. Cut up one apple, spread almond butter or peanut butter on top and sprinkle some crushed raw cacao or organic dark chocolate on top.
5. A fruity herbal tea sweetened with stevia, xylitol or agave syrup in the evening is perfect right before bed to calm you after a busy day.
Remember you want to stay away from processed sugar and artificial sweeteners as much as possible. I personally use Stevia for all of my sweetening needs, but I know many people who also enjoy xylitol and agave syrup which are also great choices.
I think the best tasting Stevia can be found at http://www.stevivasweetener.com.
added sugar,
Diet Solutions,
healthy meals,
sweet tooth,
Sunday, 13 September 2009
Eating Healthy while Traveling
Some great ideas by: Isabel
It's difficult enough these days to maintain a healthy eating plan, let a long keep a healthy diet while traveling.
Traveling Healthy, these days I am no stranger to maintaining a healthy eating plan while being on the road. I do a good amount of traveling myself, and my clients and readers are asking me all the time:
“Isabel, I am always on the go. How can I stick to my healthy eating plan and still have a life?”
If your days really have you running around from work, to parties, to picking up kids all over the neighborhood, here are a few strategies that really do work:
1. Make your trunk your refrigerator.
OK, but not literally, but I have known many people (including myself) to keep a small cooler in their trunk at all times. They fill it with healthy goodies at the beginning of the day (raw nuts, fresh fruits and veggies, even hard boiled eggs) along with some ice packs and extra tupper ware (just in case) and they’re off for the day. At the end of the day, they empty whatever is left and the ice packs go back in the freezer for the next day. This is also a great way to keep your water bottles nice and cold and not warm from the car heat.
2. Make your supermarket your Fast Food stop.
Instead of a quick trip through the drive thru, run into the local supermarket and pick up an assortment of dried or fresh fruits, healthy trail mixes, fresh veggies and natural peanut or almond butter. Most supermarkets now have wonderful salad bars and prepared foods like grilled chicken and salmon (better than any fast food joint) and healthy sandwich options (be careful with certain condiments like mayo that may be added). Eliminate the fast food joints from your choices of “quick stops” and look for the hot spots in town that offer healthier options.
3. Be the bearer of good food.
When going to a barbecue or social event, always offer to bring something. I always bring something and that something is always healthy. I know, if nothing else, at least I’ve got that to eat, although all of my friends and family know why I do this. Even if you contribute the healthy and lean beef burgers or turkey burgers, this may deter you from the not-so healthy hot dogs and sausages. Or how about a colorful salad or fruit salad?
4. Find the healthy places all over the world.
Before I go on any trip, I go online and find the closest Whole Foods or Health Food Store. If there are none close by, I find a major supermarket. This doesn’t mean I don’t enjoy myself on vacation (like the Key Lime Pie I enjoyed down South) or when visiting family and friends, but I make sure that all healthy principles do NOT go out the window. I keep it healthy and have a great time! (not one or the other)
There are always great ways to maintain your healthy weight loss plans even if your life has you traveling and on the road quite a bit.
It's difficult enough these days to maintain a healthy eating plan, let a long keep a healthy diet while traveling.
Traveling Healthy, these days I am no stranger to maintaining a healthy eating plan while being on the road. I do a good amount of traveling myself, and my clients and readers are asking me all the time:
“Isabel, I am always on the go. How can I stick to my healthy eating plan and still have a life?”
If your days really have you running around from work, to parties, to picking up kids all over the neighborhood, here are a few strategies that really do work:
1. Make your trunk your refrigerator.
OK, but not literally, but I have known many people (including myself) to keep a small cooler in their trunk at all times. They fill it with healthy goodies at the beginning of the day (raw nuts, fresh fruits and veggies, even hard boiled eggs) along with some ice packs and extra tupper ware (just in case) and they’re off for the day. At the end of the day, they empty whatever is left and the ice packs go back in the freezer for the next day. This is also a great way to keep your water bottles nice and cold and not warm from the car heat.
2. Make your supermarket your Fast Food stop.
Instead of a quick trip through the drive thru, run into the local supermarket and pick up an assortment of dried or fresh fruits, healthy trail mixes, fresh veggies and natural peanut or almond butter. Most supermarkets now have wonderful salad bars and prepared foods like grilled chicken and salmon (better than any fast food joint) and healthy sandwich options (be careful with certain condiments like mayo that may be added). Eliminate the fast food joints from your choices of “quick stops” and look for the hot spots in town that offer healthier options.
3. Be the bearer of good food.
When going to a barbecue or social event, always offer to bring something. I always bring something and that something is always healthy. I know, if nothing else, at least I’ve got that to eat, although all of my friends and family know why I do this. Even if you contribute the healthy and lean beef burgers or turkey burgers, this may deter you from the not-so healthy hot dogs and sausages. Or how about a colorful salad or fruit salad?
4. Find the healthy places all over the world.
Before I go on any trip, I go online and find the closest Whole Foods or Health Food Store. If there are none close by, I find a major supermarket. This doesn’t mean I don’t enjoy myself on vacation (like the Key Lime Pie I enjoyed down South) or when visiting family and friends, but I make sure that all healthy principles do NOT go out the window. I keep it healthy and have a great time! (not one or the other)
There are always great ways to maintain your healthy weight loss plans even if your life has you traveling and on the road quite a bit.
Health goals,
healthy eating,
weight loss
Monday, 7 September 2009
Causes of obesity
New information from weight loss researchers and nutritionists shows that over 300,000 people die each year from complications resulting from obesity. Obesity is a major problem in the United States and now many other parts of the world. This is where the body accumulates more fat than is being burned by normal metabolism and this causes fat deposits to begin to build up in the belly area, thighs, buttocks and even waist. The problem of obesity is so acute that some schools especially in Atlanta Georgia have began to offer strictly vegetarian diets to their students and the students have embraced this diet well. So what causes obesity?
There is one cause of weight gain that is rather unfortunate-genetics. Sometimes, it is easy to judge people from appearance and form an opinion that their excess weight is as a result of irresponsible eating habits. But doctors report that there are people with genetic maladjustment's that cause a problem with the way the body processes food. There are also problems that cause an under-performing thyroid gland that ultimately causes the body metabolism to slow and therefore and accumulation of fat. So one reason why some people are overweight is because of genetic issues.
Another reason why some people might have a weight problem is because they have an eating disorder. In the same token that there are eating disorders which cause bulimia, there are disorders that run in the opposite direction and cause compulsive eating and an abnormal appetite. A disorder called Pica even has its victims craving non-foods (earth, pens, pencils and anything close by). These disorders which cause excessive eating can be treated and the person can resume normal eating habits.
Another reason for obesity is off course leading a sedentary life of little or no activity. This is common in the West where people use cars to go even short distances.
There is one cause of weight gain that is rather unfortunate-genetics. Sometimes, it is easy to judge people from appearance and form an opinion that their excess weight is as a result of irresponsible eating habits. But doctors report that there are people with genetic maladjustment's that cause a problem with the way the body processes food. There are also problems that cause an under-performing thyroid gland that ultimately causes the body metabolism to slow and therefore and accumulation of fat. So one reason why some people are overweight is because of genetic issues.
Another reason why some people might have a weight problem is because they have an eating disorder. In the same token that there are eating disorders which cause bulimia, there are disorders that run in the opposite direction and cause compulsive eating and an abnormal appetite. A disorder called Pica even has its victims craving non-foods (earth, pens, pencils and anything close by). These disorders which cause excessive eating can be treated and the person can resume normal eating habits.
Another reason for obesity is off course leading a sedentary life of little or no activity. This is common in the West where people use cars to go even short distances.
compulsive eating,
weight gain,
weight problem
Saturday, 5 September 2009
Here are 5 of my favorite Easy and Quick Healthy Snacks
There's nothing like real world experience to teach you a thing or two.
To all of you parents who have written to me in the past saying "Isabel, with all the responsibilities I have in one day with the kids, work and the house, I just don't have time to eat healthy." I GET IT!
Wow!...who knew a little 8 lb baby could take up so much time...I mean the whole day.
Since eating healthy is an absolute must for me (I just wouldn't have it any other way), I really had to come up with some quick and easy snacks that I could grab at any time, especially if my little munchkin didn't let me get to make breakfast, lunch or dinner.
Even if you don't have kids and are just busy, busy, busy all day....here are a few of the healthy snacks I enjoy (most of which can be grabbed with one hand while holding a newborn in the other).
1. Nut Butter and Honey on Ezekiel Bread (or any sprouted grain bread) - Although this would taste better toasted, I can make do with the colder version. I put 1-2 tbsps of natural peanut butter or almond butter on 1 slice of Sprouted Grain or Spelt bread with ½ tsp of raw honey. I make 2-3 of these at a time and leave them in the fridge for easy grabbing.
2. Deviled Eggs - These do take a bit of prep time so I have to wait for my husband to come home in the evening to make them. I hard boil 6 eggs. Once cooled, I cut them in half and place all of the cooked yolks in a separate bowl. I add Dijon mustard and olive oil to the yolks and mash them up so they become creamy. I put the creamy mixture back into the center of the egg whites and sprinkle Celtic Sea Salt and Fresh Pepper on top. I keep these in the refrigerator for an easy protein snack.
3. Turkey and Roast Beef Rollup - These are simply just deli turkey breast and roast beef wrapped up in a rollup (I only buy the turkey and roast beef that is fresh and natural, not any of the cold cut supermarket brands with added nitrites and nitrates). I add some mustard to each rollup and keep them all in a container in the fridge. Again, another quick protein snack. These are also great with baby carrots.
4. Frozen Grapes - If you're searching for something sweet, grapes in the freezer are a great way to curb a sweet tooth. I keep a bunch of these in the freezer and snack on them along with some raw nuts. Just a handful of grapes with some walnuts really keeps me full and satisfied until I can get to my next meal. It's also a great "sweet" pick me up (for all those sleep deprived parents and even non-parents out there).
5. Bag of Trail Mix - I absolutely do not go anywhere without my bag of trail mix. Right now I have almonds, walnuts, Brazil nuts, dried apricots and raisins all in a bag with a touch of Celtic Sea Salt added. Yesterday I took my little guy to the pediatrician and we were there for what seemed to be hours! Thank goodness for my trail mix, otherwise I probably would have cried more than the baby did.
Diet Solutions,
healthy snacks,
quick snacks,
Friday, 28 August 2009
Are you confused about Carbs?
By now you should be seeing some good changes happening in your body. Yes, even just after a few days! Many people report feeling energized, lighter, and less bloated just by applying the 3 "magic rules" and incorporating some more healthy fats into their meal plans.
A question I do get quite often after people have eliminated white foods such as pasta, white rice, potatoes, and bread from their eating is "Isabel, don't I need some carbs?"
The word CARBS often induces more fear in people than the words Monday morning, Taxes and Shark combined. (AAAhhhh!)
Your fears may have some merit (but no need to scream), as many carbs in our supermarkets today are really just doing us more harm than good. Most breads, pastas, cereals, cookies and crackers are overloaded with refined flour and happen to be one of the leading causes our planet's obesity rate is on the rise.
Here's the dilemma. You really do need carbs to function properly. Your brain does not function as well without carbs (hmmm...does this explain anything about some people you may know?) and you may lack energy and be unmotivated to do anything (even fun things) without them.
Where is the happy balance? How can we get enough carbs for a healthy body and prevent weight gain? Or even better, lose weight?
Do carbs make you fat and how can you incorporate them into a healthy meal plan? The answer is here:
Do Carbs make you fat video.
What carbs do you need to modify in your current eating plan to help your body shed off its unwanted weight? Start with one or two food items and replace them with the healthier carb options I mentioned in the video.
Remember, there's no need to go "low carb". Just pick the "right carbs" to see the weight drop off.
A question I do get quite often after people have eliminated white foods such as pasta, white rice, potatoes, and bread from their eating is "Isabel, don't I need some carbs?"
The word CARBS often induces more fear in people than the words Monday morning, Taxes and Shark combined. (AAAhhhh!)
Your fears may have some merit (but no need to scream), as many carbs in our supermarkets today are really just doing us more harm than good. Most breads, pastas, cereals, cookies and crackers are overloaded with refined flour and happen to be one of the leading causes our planet's obesity rate is on the rise.
Here's the dilemma. You really do need carbs to function properly. Your brain does not function as well without carbs (hmmm...does this explain anything about some people you may know?) and you may lack energy and be unmotivated to do anything (even fun things) without them.
Where is the happy balance? How can we get enough carbs for a healthy body and prevent weight gain? Or even better, lose weight?
Do carbs make you fat and how can you incorporate them into a healthy meal plan? The answer is here:
Do Carbs make you fat video.
What carbs do you need to modify in your current eating plan to help your body shed off its unwanted weight? Start with one or two food items and replace them with the healthier carb options I mentioned in the video.
Remember, there's no need to go "low carb". Just pick the "right carbs" to see the weight drop off.
Wednesday, 26 August 2009
How to make all your food delicious
Recently I let you in on my 3 magic bullets for accelerated fat loss. If you've implemented those principles, good for you! Keep at it and you will be seeing the difference really soon.
Now, you may be asking yourself "What is left to eat?" and more importantly "What delicious food can I eat?"
All of the food I eat each day is incredibly delicious and healthy at the same time. I am able to achieve this because many of the foods people think are not healthy, really are. Examples of such foods are coconut oil, butter, bacon, and raw nuts. Yes many of those foods contain a high amount of fat but I am going to let you in on a very important fat loss secret right now:
Fat does NOT make you fat!
You actually need fat in order to shed your unwanted fat. The trick here is to make sure it is the right kind of fat.
Unfortunately, many people (this may include you) have been led to believe the opposite. People still think that butter and saturated fats are the reason heart disease is one of the top killers in this country (and now in many other countries as well). The truth is that it's not the natural fats that are causing this epidemic, it's the sugar, processed and packaged foods and over consumption of refined oils that are causing so much disease (and you can add Diabetes, High Cholesterol and High Blood Pressure to this list as well).
1. Did you know that during the 60 year period from 1910-1970, the proportion of traditional animal fat in the American diet declined from 83% to 62%?
2. During this same time butter consumption plummeted from 18 pounds per person each year to 4 pounds per person each year.
3. During the past 80 years, the consumption of dietary cholesterol intake has increased only one percent.
So if our consumption of butter and cholesterol has actually decreased, where is the problem? Why all the heart disease?
1. During the same period, the average intake of dietary vegetable oils (margarine, shortening, and refined oils) increased by about 400%.
2. During the same period, the consumption of sugar and processed foods increased by about 60%
Those are the facts, but there's never better proof than the results I see with my clients and my readers. When people finally stop eating margarine, refined oils, "fake" butters, sugar and processed foods, their health sky rockets! (and by sky rockets, I mean: gets better, greatly improves, elevates to whole new levels). Not to mention all the body fat they lose off their body (isn't that just an awful side effect?)
It's important to mention that the butter I use is organic and grass fed. The coconut oil I use is organic and unrefined and the bacon I buy is grass fed and nitrite / nitrate free. These are great foods to add into your meal plan. Not to mention the fact they will make any recipe absolutely delicious.
Now that I told you butter is ok to eat, here is a yummy chicken recipe I make in my house often:
(Please remember that the mad scientist in me sometimes forgets to document the exact amounts so you may need to make slight changes for your own tastes.)
Chicken with "I'm not afraid of butter" dressing
2 large chicken breasts (approximately 1 lb of chicken)
6 Tbsp of melted butter
lemon juice from 1/2 large lemon
1/4 cup olive oil
salt, pepper and garlic powder to taste
Melt 1 tbsp of butter in a large pan. Season chicken breasts with salt, pepper and garlic powder. Cook chicken breasts in butter covered on very low heat. Do not let the butter get brown. Pour lemon juice in a separate bowl. Slowly stir in the remaining melted butter as you stir mixture. Then slowly add the olive oil as you stir mixture. Season with salt, pepper and garlic powder.
Once the chicken is cooked through, served on a plate and pour the "dressing mixture" over your cooked chicken breasts.
Don't be surprised if you are tempted to pour this dressing on your veggies and just about every other food item you can think of. It's delicious!
Remember it is not the fat that's keeping you fat. It is the refined oils, "fake" foods and sugar and artificial sweeteners that are the real culprits.
Now go on and enjoy some delicious food (while you shed off that unwanted fat at the same time!)
By the way...how are you doing on your "no white foods" plan? You should already be feeling the amazing, almost instant effects of giving your body a break from many of these foods. If you have not started yet, just begin today. If you are already 2 days in, good for you! Doesn't it feel good?
Now, you may be asking yourself "What is left to eat?" and more importantly "What delicious food can I eat?"
All of the food I eat each day is incredibly delicious and healthy at the same time. I am able to achieve this because many of the foods people think are not healthy, really are. Examples of such foods are coconut oil, butter, bacon, and raw nuts. Yes many of those foods contain a high amount of fat but I am going to let you in on a very important fat loss secret right now:
Fat does NOT make you fat!
You actually need fat in order to shed your unwanted fat. The trick here is to make sure it is the right kind of fat.
Unfortunately, many people (this may include you) have been led to believe the opposite. People still think that butter and saturated fats are the reason heart disease is one of the top killers in this country (and now in many other countries as well). The truth is that it's not the natural fats that are causing this epidemic, it's the sugar, processed and packaged foods and over consumption of refined oils that are causing so much disease (and you can add Diabetes, High Cholesterol and High Blood Pressure to this list as well).
1. Did you know that during the 60 year period from 1910-1970, the proportion of traditional animal fat in the American diet declined from 83% to 62%?
2. During this same time butter consumption plummeted from 18 pounds per person each year to 4 pounds per person each year.
3. During the past 80 years, the consumption of dietary cholesterol intake has increased only one percent.
So if our consumption of butter and cholesterol has actually decreased, where is the problem? Why all the heart disease?
1. During the same period, the average intake of dietary vegetable oils (margarine, shortening, and refined oils) increased by about 400%.
2. During the same period, the consumption of sugar and processed foods increased by about 60%
Those are the facts, but there's never better proof than the results I see with my clients and my readers. When people finally stop eating margarine, refined oils, "fake" butters, sugar and processed foods, their health sky rockets! (and by sky rockets, I mean: gets better, greatly improves, elevates to whole new levels). Not to mention all the body fat they lose off their body (isn't that just an awful side effect?)
It's important to mention that the butter I use is organic and grass fed. The coconut oil I use is organic and unrefined and the bacon I buy is grass fed and nitrite / nitrate free. These are great foods to add into your meal plan. Not to mention the fact they will make any recipe absolutely delicious.
Now that I told you butter is ok to eat, here is a yummy chicken recipe I make in my house often:
(Please remember that the mad scientist in me sometimes forgets to document the exact amounts so you may need to make slight changes for your own tastes.)
Chicken with "I'm not afraid of butter" dressing
2 large chicken breasts (approximately 1 lb of chicken)
6 Tbsp of melted butter
lemon juice from 1/2 large lemon
1/4 cup olive oil
salt, pepper and garlic powder to taste
Melt 1 tbsp of butter in a large pan. Season chicken breasts with salt, pepper and garlic powder. Cook chicken breasts in butter covered on very low heat. Do not let the butter get brown. Pour lemon juice in a separate bowl. Slowly stir in the remaining melted butter as you stir mixture. Then slowly add the olive oil as you stir mixture. Season with salt, pepper and garlic powder.
Once the chicken is cooked through, served on a plate and pour the "dressing mixture" over your cooked chicken breasts.
Don't be surprised if you are tempted to pour this dressing on your veggies and just about every other food item you can think of. It's delicious!
Remember it is not the fat that's keeping you fat. It is the refined oils, "fake" foods and sugar and artificial sweeteners that are the real culprits.
Now go on and enjoy some delicious food (while you shed off that unwanted fat at the same time!)
By the way...how are you doing on your "no white foods" plan? You should already be feeling the amazing, almost instant effects of giving your body a break from many of these foods. If you have not started yet, just begin today. If you are already 2 days in, good for you! Doesn't it feel good?
Monday, 24 August 2009
The best place to start for maximum Fat Loss
Hello Readers,
I'm going to post everyday some great and valuable nutrition information from Isabel, that you are going to be able to get started with right now. I am not holding back!
Let me begin by telling you my "3 magic secrets" to getting many of my clients to lose their first 5-10 lbs in just 2-3 weeks. It begins with a short story about my uncle and a conversation I had with him last summer.
My family and I spent this particular Saturday afternoon at my cousin's house barbequing and having a great time. There are 2 things guaranteed at my family functions: lots of laughter and LOTS OF FOOD!
So, just as we're chowing down on steaks, chicken legs, hamburgers and hot dogs, (I swear, I was not the one eating the hot dogs) my uncle came up to me and said "Hey Isabel. Your mom says her knees don't hurt anymore like they did last year. My knees are killing me. What do you think is wrong with them?" (All the while he's still chomping down on his second hot dog and cola).
"Well Tio (I speak Spanish to all of my relatives) let me give it to you straight. (Look of fear in his eyes). This past year my mom, your sis, lost 40 lbs. That's 40 lbs less weight that her knees have to carry around. Of course they feel better. I guarantee if you lost a few lbs. yourself, your knees would stop hurting."
At this point Tio looks like he wishes he had just asked me about the weather, the upcoming election or even quantum physics, ANYTHING but be told that he needs to lose weight.
"Isabel, I'm 60 years old and I have been this fat forever. I wouldn't even know where to start."
So I gave him 3 super easy rules to follow. (These are my magic bullets for getting your metabolism in fat burning mode.)
"Tio, follow these three rules and I guarantee you, better yet, I promise you, you will lose a minimum of 10 lbs. in 14 days."
1. Don't eat anything that is white. Think about most foods that are white and chances are you shouldn't be eating it. Specifically, I'm talking about white bread, pasta, sugar, white rice, and most milk products. Healthy foods like cauliflower, chicken, turkey, fish are all exceptions to this rule. Based on Tio's current eating habits, I didn't think he was all too worried about cauliflower anyway.
2. Only drink water, NOTHING else! How about coffee? Just to keep any possible withdrawal headaches at bay, one small cup of organic black coffee is ok. Can you add half and half?...Well is it white?
3. Don't eat anything with the word wheat in the ingredients list. What if it's whole wheat? Look, if the word starts with W and ends in T and has the letters h-e-a in between, you can't eat it.
Tio agreed that he was up for the challenge. Anything to make the knee pain go away and make his niece stop lecturing.
I highly recommend you follow those same rules for the next 14 days (No, not for the rest of your life. Just for the next 14 days.) You will absolutely amaze yourself with your results. Remember, no white foods (except for the few I mentioned above), only water to drink and no wheat products.
I promise this is not how you have to eat for the long term in order to lose weight and keep it off but I do know that this is a great way to jumpstart your metabolism and see some initial weight come off a bit faster.
Don't let one more day go by without feeling and looking as great as I know you can! Don't wait until you have eaten all the food in your fridge or "used up" all the food in your pantry. It's not worth the wait! Commit to this e-course and your new incredible body right now and I promise the results will be worth it. And I will be here to guide you and support you along the way.
I'm going to post everyday some great and valuable nutrition information from Isabel, that you are going to be able to get started with right now. I am not holding back!
Let me begin by telling you my "3 magic secrets" to getting many of my clients to lose their first 5-10 lbs in just 2-3 weeks. It begins with a short story about my uncle and a conversation I had with him last summer.
My family and I spent this particular Saturday afternoon at my cousin's house barbequing and having a great time. There are 2 things guaranteed at my family functions: lots of laughter and LOTS OF FOOD!
So, just as we're chowing down on steaks, chicken legs, hamburgers and hot dogs, (I swear, I was not the one eating the hot dogs) my uncle came up to me and said "Hey Isabel. Your mom says her knees don't hurt anymore like they did last year. My knees are killing me. What do you think is wrong with them?" (All the while he's still chomping down on his second hot dog and cola).
"Well Tio (I speak Spanish to all of my relatives) let me give it to you straight. (Look of fear in his eyes). This past year my mom, your sis, lost 40 lbs. That's 40 lbs less weight that her knees have to carry around. Of course they feel better. I guarantee if you lost a few lbs. yourself, your knees would stop hurting."
At this point Tio looks like he wishes he had just asked me about the weather, the upcoming election or even quantum physics, ANYTHING but be told that he needs to lose weight.
"Isabel, I'm 60 years old and I have been this fat forever. I wouldn't even know where to start."
So I gave him 3 super easy rules to follow. (These are my magic bullets for getting your metabolism in fat burning mode.)
"Tio, follow these three rules and I guarantee you, better yet, I promise you, you will lose a minimum of 10 lbs. in 14 days."
1. Don't eat anything that is white. Think about most foods that are white and chances are you shouldn't be eating it. Specifically, I'm talking about white bread, pasta, sugar, white rice, and most milk products. Healthy foods like cauliflower, chicken, turkey, fish are all exceptions to this rule. Based on Tio's current eating habits, I didn't think he was all too worried about cauliflower anyway.
2. Only drink water, NOTHING else! How about coffee? Just to keep any possible withdrawal headaches at bay, one small cup of organic black coffee is ok. Can you add half and half?...Well is it white?
3. Don't eat anything with the word wheat in the ingredients list. What if it's whole wheat? Look, if the word starts with W and ends in T and has the letters h-e-a in between, you can't eat it.
Tio agreed that he was up for the challenge. Anything to make the knee pain go away and make his niece stop lecturing.
I highly recommend you follow those same rules for the next 14 days (No, not for the rest of your life. Just for the next 14 days.) You will absolutely amaze yourself with your results. Remember, no white foods (except for the few I mentioned above), only water to drink and no wheat products.
I promise this is not how you have to eat for the long term in order to lose weight and keep it off but I do know that this is a great way to jumpstart your metabolism and see some initial weight come off a bit faster.
Don't let one more day go by without feeling and looking as great as I know you can! Don't wait until you have eaten all the food in your fridge or "used up" all the food in your pantry. It's not worth the wait! Commit to this e-course and your new incredible body right now and I promise the results will be worth it. And I will be here to guide you and support you along the way.
delicious foods,
fat burning,
Fat loss,
Saturday, 22 August 2009
Eat more and Do Less Cardio to Lose that Unwanted Weight
By Isabel
Is the above statement too good to be true? That’s what Rory DeLuca thought. The 42 year old New Jersey resident, husband and busy father of 3 couldn’t believe what I was telling him when he came to see me in January 2006. Like most people, after the holidays, Rory was frustrated with his increased weight and was even more frustrated that his previous “weight loss” efforts were not providing any results. He told me he was trying to eat less and run 4 miles every day, but every time he tried to stick to that routine, his back would hurt because of the running and he would end up starving at the end of the day. You can imagine his surprise when I told him that he would have to eat a lot more and do less cardio to achieve the results he was looking for.
Alternatives to Cardio are Healthy Now, 3 months later, Rory has lost a total of 30 pounds and 9 inches off his body. His back no longer hurts and he is not starving. He eats tons of food all day and exercises less than an hour 5 days a week. So what is the secret to his success? Three very important weight loss principles that we can all incorporate.
1. Rory started strength training 3x’s a week. The key here is Rory was doing the right kind of strength training for his weight loss goal. He was not going from one machine to the next, doing 3 sets of 10 reps on each one. His strength training routine incorporated exercises that used his whole body so his heart rate was up the whole time. Try doing 3 exercises, back to back, using only free weights, stability balls and your own body weight, and you’ll see how quickly your heart rate goes up. No sitting on a bench and chich chatting in this workout. We keep the intensity high the whole time and the workout is complete in 45 minutes.
Incorporating strength training and reducing the amount of aerobic cardiovascular training was integral to his success. The ONLY tissue in the body that burns fat is Muscle. So the more muscle you have in your body, the more fat you’re burning at any given time during the day. The amount of muscle you have in your body also greatly affects your metabolism. So someone with more muscle mass will have a higher metabolism (This is why most men can eat a lot more than women). For example, one pound of muscle in your body requires approximately 50 calories per day. So if I had two people, both weighing 150lbs, but one was comprised of 100lbs of muscle while the other was comprised of 120lbs of muscle, the one with the more muscle mass is burning more calories all day long. That means that this person can eat more during the day and still maintain their weight and will also have an easier time losing weight. Aerobic training does burn calories while you’re doing it, but it does not do anything to increase the amount of muscle in your body, thus it does not help you to continue to burn calories when you’re done
2. Rory only did aerobic cardiovascular exercise using interval training. This concept could encompass a whole article unto itself, but basically, your body becomes accustomed to anything that you expose it to for long periods of time. Aerobic cardiovascular exercise makes your body more efficient at burning fat. But that’s exactly what you don’t want (If your car was more efficient at burning gas, you’d use less of it). Same with your body. If your body becomes efficient at burning fat, you burn less of it for the same amount of work. So instead of burning 200 calories for your 2 mile run, you may burn 150 calories for the same distance in 2 months. So you’ll have to increase the distance and continue to do this, just to burn the same 200 calories. This can eventually turn into running for an hour just to burn the same number of calories! I don’t know about you, but this is exactly what I don’t want to do.
Interval training refers to a series of intense activity separated with short rest periods. You want to make sure that you are constantly changing the intensity of your cardio workout during the whole workout, alternating from high intensity to low intensity. So a typical workout on an elliptical machine would be 5 min warmup, 1 minute at a high intensity (level 9or 10), then 2 minutes at a lower intensity (level 3 or 4). You would repeat this 3 minute round 3 or 4 times, gradually increasing the intensities once you feel like it’s getting easy. Cool down for 5 minutes, and that is a total of 19-22 minutes of cardio, not 1 hour! Keep your body guessing the whole time and it will not become accustomed to the same cardio workout.
3. Rory ate a lot of food all day long. Rory couldn’t believe his meal plan when I laid it out for him. He was going to be eating more than he was currently eating and couldn’t believe this was actually going to help him lose weight. The biggest difference would be what foods he would be choosing. Every meal was comprised of a healthy protein, carbohydrate and good fat. Lots of eggs (whole organic eggs, not whites), poultry, meat, fruits, whole grains, vegetables, olive oil, and raw nuts and nut butters. In order for his body to burn fat, it had to believe it wasn’t starving and the only way to do that was to feed it well.
So what can you do to achieve the same great results?
1. Incorporate both a good strength training routine and interval cardio routine to your workout regimen. Don’t just do one all the time. Your body needs muscle to keep your metabolism high, and it also needs cardio to keep your heart strong, so find a good balance between the two.
2. Incorporate a strength training routine that focuses on whole body movements. No sitting on machines, please. Unless you are rehabilitating an injury, you want to keep your body moving the whole time. What do you think burns more calories, a squat with a shoulder press combination or sitting on a leg press? Just try to squat and raise your arms overhead a few times and you’ll see how quickly your heart rate goes up. Keep your body moving through the whole workout and you’ll be sweating just as much as during your cardio.
3. Eat consistently throughout the day. We’ve all heard it before: Eat five meals a day to lose weight. Well, guess what? It works, as long as those meals incorporate healthy food. Eat a protein with each meal. That is the biggest mistake I see. People are not feeding their muscles with enough protein. Remember, you want to keep your metabolism cranking all day and the best way to do that is to feed your body and to keep your muscle mass high.
Hopefully, this will help you to reduce those countless hours on the treadmill and stop starving yourself to lose a few pounds. I don’t know about you but if eating all day and doing less cardio is going to keep me at a healthy weight and in shape, I say AMEN to that!
Is the above statement too good to be true? That’s what Rory DeLuca thought. The 42 year old New Jersey resident, husband and busy father of 3 couldn’t believe what I was telling him when he came to see me in January 2006. Like most people, after the holidays, Rory was frustrated with his increased weight and was even more frustrated that his previous “weight loss” efforts were not providing any results. He told me he was trying to eat less and run 4 miles every day, but every time he tried to stick to that routine, his back would hurt because of the running and he would end up starving at the end of the day. You can imagine his surprise when I told him that he would have to eat a lot more and do less cardio to achieve the results he was looking for.
Alternatives to Cardio are Healthy Now, 3 months later, Rory has lost a total of 30 pounds and 9 inches off his body. His back no longer hurts and he is not starving. He eats tons of food all day and exercises less than an hour 5 days a week. So what is the secret to his success? Three very important weight loss principles that we can all incorporate.
1. Rory started strength training 3x’s a week. The key here is Rory was doing the right kind of strength training for his weight loss goal. He was not going from one machine to the next, doing 3 sets of 10 reps on each one. His strength training routine incorporated exercises that used his whole body so his heart rate was up the whole time. Try doing 3 exercises, back to back, using only free weights, stability balls and your own body weight, and you’ll see how quickly your heart rate goes up. No sitting on a bench and chich chatting in this workout. We keep the intensity high the whole time and the workout is complete in 45 minutes.
Incorporating strength training and reducing the amount of aerobic cardiovascular training was integral to his success. The ONLY tissue in the body that burns fat is Muscle. So the more muscle you have in your body, the more fat you’re burning at any given time during the day. The amount of muscle you have in your body also greatly affects your metabolism. So someone with more muscle mass will have a higher metabolism (This is why most men can eat a lot more than women). For example, one pound of muscle in your body requires approximately 50 calories per day. So if I had two people, both weighing 150lbs, but one was comprised of 100lbs of muscle while the other was comprised of 120lbs of muscle, the one with the more muscle mass is burning more calories all day long. That means that this person can eat more during the day and still maintain their weight and will also have an easier time losing weight. Aerobic training does burn calories while you’re doing it, but it does not do anything to increase the amount of muscle in your body, thus it does not help you to continue to burn calories when you’re done
2. Rory only did aerobic cardiovascular exercise using interval training. This concept could encompass a whole article unto itself, but basically, your body becomes accustomed to anything that you expose it to for long periods of time. Aerobic cardiovascular exercise makes your body more efficient at burning fat. But that’s exactly what you don’t want (If your car was more efficient at burning gas, you’d use less of it). Same with your body. If your body becomes efficient at burning fat, you burn less of it for the same amount of work. So instead of burning 200 calories for your 2 mile run, you may burn 150 calories for the same distance in 2 months. So you’ll have to increase the distance and continue to do this, just to burn the same 200 calories. This can eventually turn into running for an hour just to burn the same number of calories! I don’t know about you, but this is exactly what I don’t want to do.
Interval training refers to a series of intense activity separated with short rest periods. You want to make sure that you are constantly changing the intensity of your cardio workout during the whole workout, alternating from high intensity to low intensity. So a typical workout on an elliptical machine would be 5 min warmup, 1 minute at a high intensity (level 9or 10), then 2 minutes at a lower intensity (level 3 or 4). You would repeat this 3 minute round 3 or 4 times, gradually increasing the intensities once you feel like it’s getting easy. Cool down for 5 minutes, and that is a total of 19-22 minutes of cardio, not 1 hour! Keep your body guessing the whole time and it will not become accustomed to the same cardio workout.
3. Rory ate a lot of food all day long. Rory couldn’t believe his meal plan when I laid it out for him. He was going to be eating more than he was currently eating and couldn’t believe this was actually going to help him lose weight. The biggest difference would be what foods he would be choosing. Every meal was comprised of a healthy protein, carbohydrate and good fat. Lots of eggs (whole organic eggs, not whites), poultry, meat, fruits, whole grains, vegetables, olive oil, and raw nuts and nut butters. In order for his body to burn fat, it had to believe it wasn’t starving and the only way to do that was to feed it well.
So what can you do to achieve the same great results?
1. Incorporate both a good strength training routine and interval cardio routine to your workout regimen. Don’t just do one all the time. Your body needs muscle to keep your metabolism high, and it also needs cardio to keep your heart strong, so find a good balance between the two.
2. Incorporate a strength training routine that focuses on whole body movements. No sitting on machines, please. Unless you are rehabilitating an injury, you want to keep your body moving the whole time. What do you think burns more calories, a squat with a shoulder press combination or sitting on a leg press? Just try to squat and raise your arms overhead a few times and you’ll see how quickly your heart rate goes up. Keep your body moving through the whole workout and you’ll be sweating just as much as during your cardio.
3. Eat consistently throughout the day. We’ve all heard it before: Eat five meals a day to lose weight. Well, guess what? It works, as long as those meals incorporate healthy food. Eat a protein with each meal. That is the biggest mistake I see. People are not feeding their muscles with enough protein. Remember, you want to keep your metabolism cranking all day and the best way to do that is to feed your body and to keep your muscle mass high.
Hopefully, this will help you to reduce those countless hours on the treadmill and stop starving yourself to lose a few pounds. I don’t know about you but if eating all day and doing less cardio is going to keep me at a healthy weight and in shape, I say AMEN to that!
aerobic exercise,
fat burning,
lose weight,
weight loss
Friday, 7 August 2009
Fructose-sweetened drinks again raise questions in obesity-related study
Hi everyone
Just a quick post.
Here is a link to a news article which I feel is quite important.
Fructose-sweetened drinks again raise questions in obesity-related study
Sandra Collins
Just a quick post.
Here is a link to a news article which I feel is quite important.
Fructose-sweetened drinks again raise questions in obesity-related study
Sandra Collins
Monday, 27 July 2009
Back To School Means Back To Health
It happens to the best of us. The kids get out of school and our exercise routines and healthy eating habits get thrown to the waste side. Evening trips to the ice cream shop, hours of sitting in a beach chair, long car rides where only fast food is available: all of these factors may have added a few extra pounds to you and your kids over the course of the summer. Now with the start of the school season how can you get yourself and your kids back on a good eating and exercise routine? The following 4 steps will help you lose those unwanted summer pounds and develop a good routine for the rest of the school year.
Healthy Lunch's for Your Kids Packed lunch. Not just your child’s lunch, but your lunch as well. Make meal preparation an activity that you can share along with your kids. Include them in the process from start to finish. First start by making a grocery list of all the foods you will need for breakfast, lunch and dinner for the week. Remember that kids are more likely to eat healthy foods if they have chosen them themselves. Next, food shop together. And last, make lunches at the same time that you make dinner in the evening. Not only will your children enjoy the foods that they have prepared themselves but they will also learn the value of taking time to prepare healthy foods. Yes, we are all limited by time these days. But children who learn that healthy food takes time to prepare become teenagers and adults that will take the time to choose and prepare healthy foods. Children who eat on the run usually turn into teenagers who eat fast foods on the run who then turn into adults who eat fast food. This starts them on a downward spiral that will only lead to obesity and heart disease.
Schedule your exercise. Schedule your exercise routine around your child’s school schedule and / or activity schedule. For example, wear your gym clothes to drop your kids off at school and go directly to the gym. Not only will you be setting a great example for your children, you will be less likely to skip your workout if you are dressed and ready to go. You can also schedule your exercise time around your child’s sports or activity schedule. If you know your child has dance on certain days, at certain times, schedule your exercise during that time as well. If can you prioritize your own exercise time this way, you will be showing your child how valuable exercise is and how it is an integral part of your day. Children who see you value and prioritize exercise time become adults who value and prioritize exercise time.
Make sure your back pack is packed the night before. Again, this does not only go for your child but it goes for you as well. What do you need to have set up at night to make the next morning run smoothly and free of chaos? When I was a little girl my mom would help us each night set up our clothes and backpacks the night before. Every night I would have to think about the next day’s activities and plan accordingly. Did I have dancing school after school? Was it gym day? Was I going to a friend’s for a play date? Now, as an adult, the questions are a bit different but still require planning and packing the night before. Am I going to the gym first thing in the morning? Do I need to pack my clothes for an after work workout? Am I meeting a friend for a run? Do I have some healthy snacks with me? This simple step each night still helps me, to this day, make each morning run smoothly.
Get a tutor or outside help. If your child was doing poorly in math, you would not just let him throw in the towel and drop math class. Same goes for your workouts and eating regimen. If you find that you’re struggling with your current plan, find yourself some outside support just as you would find your child a tutor or supplementary tutoring class. Join an exercise class at the gym, hire a trainer for a few sessions, consult with a nutritionist, find an exercise / nutrition support group. When one avenue doesn’t work, try a new strategy. You would never let your child just drop out of school if one method of learning wasn’t working. The same goes for your exercise and nutrition plans. No one plan works for everyone, so explore all your options and choose the plan that suits you.
Remember that being healthy should always be your highest priority. Teaching your child that health is just as important to their future as school will get them started on a life long path to healthy living.
Don't go on a diet every again until you know these 5 Essential Truths about Dieting.

Healthy Lunch's for Your Kids Packed lunch. Not just your child’s lunch, but your lunch as well. Make meal preparation an activity that you can share along with your kids. Include them in the process from start to finish. First start by making a grocery list of all the foods you will need for breakfast, lunch and dinner for the week. Remember that kids are more likely to eat healthy foods if they have chosen them themselves. Next, food shop together. And last, make lunches at the same time that you make dinner in the evening. Not only will your children enjoy the foods that they have prepared themselves but they will also learn the value of taking time to prepare healthy foods. Yes, we are all limited by time these days. But children who learn that healthy food takes time to prepare become teenagers and adults that will take the time to choose and prepare healthy foods. Children who eat on the run usually turn into teenagers who eat fast foods on the run who then turn into adults who eat fast food. This starts them on a downward spiral that will only lead to obesity and heart disease.
Schedule your exercise. Schedule your exercise routine around your child’s school schedule and / or activity schedule. For example, wear your gym clothes to drop your kids off at school and go directly to the gym. Not only will you be setting a great example for your children, you will be less likely to skip your workout if you are dressed and ready to go. You can also schedule your exercise time around your child’s sports or activity schedule. If you know your child has dance on certain days, at certain times, schedule your exercise during that time as well. If can you prioritize your own exercise time this way, you will be showing your child how valuable exercise is and how it is an integral part of your day. Children who see you value and prioritize exercise time become adults who value and prioritize exercise time.
Make sure your back pack is packed the night before. Again, this does not only go for your child but it goes for you as well. What do you need to have set up at night to make the next morning run smoothly and free of chaos? When I was a little girl my mom would help us each night set up our clothes and backpacks the night before. Every night I would have to think about the next day’s activities and plan accordingly. Did I have dancing school after school? Was it gym day? Was I going to a friend’s for a play date? Now, as an adult, the questions are a bit different but still require planning and packing the night before. Am I going to the gym first thing in the morning? Do I need to pack my clothes for an after work workout? Am I meeting a friend for a run? Do I have some healthy snacks with me? This simple step each night still helps me, to this day, make each morning run smoothly.
Get a tutor or outside help. If your child was doing poorly in math, you would not just let him throw in the towel and drop math class. Same goes for your workouts and eating regimen. If you find that you’re struggling with your current plan, find yourself some outside support just as you would find your child a tutor or supplementary tutoring class. Join an exercise class at the gym, hire a trainer for a few sessions, consult with a nutritionist, find an exercise / nutrition support group. When one avenue doesn’t work, try a new strategy. You would never let your child just drop out of school if one method of learning wasn’t working. The same goes for your exercise and nutrition plans. No one plan works for everyone, so explore all your options and choose the plan that suits you.
Remember that being healthy should always be your highest priority. Teaching your child that health is just as important to their future as school will get them started on a life long path to healthy living.
Don't go on a diet every again until you know these 5 Essential Truths about Dieting.
Thursday, 2 July 2009
A little bit of Exercise Motivation
Many people know how important exercise is as an integral part of their weight loss and health plan but still have a difficult time fitting it into their busy lives.
One possible reason could be that, yes, exercise can be challenging when you first begin your program or you just give yourself the excuse "I just don't have the time."
What I have figured out for myself and for hundreds of my clients that no matter which exercise program they choose, it must be something they enjoy. Especially when it comes to the setting and location.
For me, I have converted the 2nd bedroom of my house into my "home gym".
NO, home gym does not mean I have the most expensive, high tech equipment. To be honest, the only items that make up my home gym are: an exercise ball, 2 adjustable weights, an exercise mat, and an old Spinning bike that I bought used from a local YMCA. That’s it! Nothing expensive or high tech about it.
Many times in the past I have joined gyms and told myself I was going to go. But like many other gym members, I never go! Now, I do really enjoy exercising so why wouldn't I actually use my gym membership?
I figured out that I really love my exercise room. It’s my private time to myself and I don’t have to worry about who else needs the equipment or who’s lurking around the gym. I get an hour to myself and it’s a great way to start my day.
I asked myself if this could possibly be what's stopping many people from exercising. “Is this most people’s problem? Do they not like where they work out so they just don’t want to go?” So it’s really not the actual workout but the environment that they’re in.
Now maybe for you the situation is just the opposite. You don’t like working out in your home and you would much rather get out and be motivated by other healthy people. Whatever the case may be, choose something you enjoy! You will never make a lifestyle change to include exercise on a consistent basis if you don’t enjoy it. Who wants to do something that feels like torture? Not me. I love my morning exercise time and if it felt like torture, I just wouldn’t do it.
My question to you is: What do you have to do to make your workout time enjoyable? Or (heaven forbid) something you actually look forward to? Join an adult sports league? Start your own exercise group? Join a new gym? Set up a home gym? Find a workout partner? The choices are endless.
Try many different options and figure out which activity you would enjoy best and I assure you, exercise never has to be a drag.
Fat loss,
lose weight,
Monday, 29 June 2009
3 Simple, Healthy Meal Plans You Can Start Right Now
Is really it possible to put together a simple and healthy meal plan? One which is not going to be complicated and impossible to follow?
Yes. It is possible and I will show you how. The healthy meal plans below will help you achieve your health goals while simultaneously shedding fat off your body.
Here are 3 healthy meal plans you can get started on right now.
Protein should be included in every meal throughout the day and breakfast is no exception. Make sure to include organic eggs, cottage cheese, raw nut butter or smoked fish as one component of your healthy breakfast. Carbohydrates should also be included in the form of oatmeal, sprouted grain bread, fruit and/or vegetables.
3 great sample breakfasts are:
Oatmeal with almond butter, topped with fresh berries and a bit of Stevia to sweeten.
2 hard boiled eggs, 1 slice sprouted grain toast and ½ grapefruit
Smoked salmon over sliced tomato and 1 green apple
The same rules apply as breakfast. An easy way to ensure that you always have a healthy protein available for lunch is to pack leftovers from dinner the night before. Leftover hamburger, chicken legs or wild fish are all great to include in a salad or over vegetables.
3 great sample lunches are:
Baked Tilapia over sautéed spinach, green salad with chick peas (oil and vinegar as dressing) followed by ½ cup of pineapple.
Leftover chicken legs with ½ sweet potato and broccoli.
Lean hamburger over portabella mushroom and brown rice. Cooked vegetables or a green salad. 1 orange.
You can really be creative with dinner. Look for recipes that are quick and easy and modify them with your own healthy ingredients as needed. Again, always remember to include protein and carbohydrates.
3 great sample dinners are:
Mexican salad: Ground beef over shredded lettuce and tomato, guacamole and brown rice.
Grilled Salmon over asparagus, green salad (oil and vinegar as dressing) followed by a fresh fruit salad.
Buffalo meat balls over rice pasta with sautéed broccoli.
You never want to let your body get too hungry. Hunger often leads to binge eating of unhealthy food and makes sticking to a healthy eating regimen much more difficult. It’s important to keep snacks handy so you never experience hunger or a blood sugar low without having a healthy option nearby.
3 great snacks are:
2 Tbsp almond butter on ½ apple
Trail mix made up of walnuts, almonds, pumpkin seeds and dried fruit (no sugar added)
Cottage cheese and pineapple
Incorporating just a few of these meals into your daily eating regimen, you will start to see an incredible difference in your weight loss results. Following simple and healthy meal plans like these is the first step in achieving your health and fitness goals.
Yes. It is possible and I will show you how. The healthy meal plans below will help you achieve your health goals while simultaneously shedding fat off your body.
Here are 3 healthy meal plans you can get started on right now.
Protein should be included in every meal throughout the day and breakfast is no exception. Make sure to include organic eggs, cottage cheese, raw nut butter or smoked fish as one component of your healthy breakfast. Carbohydrates should also be included in the form of oatmeal, sprouted grain bread, fruit and/or vegetables.
3 great sample breakfasts are:
Oatmeal with almond butter, topped with fresh berries and a bit of Stevia to sweeten.
2 hard boiled eggs, 1 slice sprouted grain toast and ½ grapefruit
Smoked salmon over sliced tomato and 1 green apple
The same rules apply as breakfast. An easy way to ensure that you always have a healthy protein available for lunch is to pack leftovers from dinner the night before. Leftover hamburger, chicken legs or wild fish are all great to include in a salad or over vegetables.
3 great sample lunches are:
Baked Tilapia over sautéed spinach, green salad with chick peas (oil and vinegar as dressing) followed by ½ cup of pineapple.
Leftover chicken legs with ½ sweet potato and broccoli.
Lean hamburger over portabella mushroom and brown rice. Cooked vegetables or a green salad. 1 orange.
You can really be creative with dinner. Look for recipes that are quick and easy and modify them with your own healthy ingredients as needed. Again, always remember to include protein and carbohydrates.
3 great sample dinners are:
Mexican salad: Ground beef over shredded lettuce and tomato, guacamole and brown rice.
Grilled Salmon over asparagus, green salad (oil and vinegar as dressing) followed by a fresh fruit salad.
Buffalo meat balls over rice pasta with sautéed broccoli.
You never want to let your body get too hungry. Hunger often leads to binge eating of unhealthy food and makes sticking to a healthy eating regimen much more difficult. It’s important to keep snacks handy so you never experience hunger or a blood sugar low without having a healthy option nearby.
3 great snacks are:
2 Tbsp almond butter on ½ apple
Trail mix made up of walnuts, almonds, pumpkin seeds and dried fruit (no sugar added)
Cottage cheese and pineapple
Incorporating just a few of these meals into your daily eating regimen, you will start to see an incredible difference in your weight loss results. Following simple and healthy meal plans like these is the first step in achieving your health and fitness goals.
3 Easy Tips To Lose Fat
Losing fat does not have to be difficult, especially if you have a few tricks up your sleeve. By this I don't mean you would not want you to take a dangerous, radical approach to your fat loss, but only one that would be healthy and prove great results at the same time.
I have had many clients, friends and family members ask me, "Isabel, is there a way I can drop my first few pounds of fat quickly and easily?" Yes, there is. It will require a few dietary changes on your part, but the results are incredible. I have had hundreds of people use these tips with great success, easily losing their first 10-15lbs of unwanted fat.
Here are my 3 Simple and Easy Fat Loss Rules:
1. Don’t eat anything that is white. Name every single food that is white and chances are you shouldn’t be eating it: bread, pasta, crackers, most cereals, flour based products, white potatoes, white rice, and pasteurized dairy and cheese are all no-no's during this time. (Healthy foods like broccoli, cauliflower, chicken, turkey, fish, white pork are all exceptions to this rule).
2. Only drink water, NOTHING else! How about coffee? Just to keep any possible withdrawal headaches at bay, one small cup of organic black coffee. Can you add half and half?…Well is it white? Drink a minimum of 1/2 of your bodyweight in ounces of water each day (ex. If you weigh 200 lbs, you need to drink 100 ounces) to really see the fat fall off.
3. Don’t eat anything with the word wheat in the ingredients list. What if it’s whole wheat? Look, if the word starts with W and ends in T and has the letters h e a in between, you can’t eat it. This includes bread, pasta, crackers and cereal. Many packaged snack foods also contain wheat so be sure to read the ingredients list carefully, check out wheat free diets.
Are you up for this challenge? Apply these easy fat loss rules to your own eating plan for the next 2 weeks and I know you will be seeing some amazing fat loss results in no time.
I have had many clients, friends and family members ask me, "Isabel, is there a way I can drop my first few pounds of fat quickly and easily?" Yes, there is. It will require a few dietary changes on your part, but the results are incredible. I have had hundreds of people use these tips with great success, easily losing their first 10-15lbs of unwanted fat.
Here are my 3 Simple and Easy Fat Loss Rules:
1. Don’t eat anything that is white. Name every single food that is white and chances are you shouldn’t be eating it: bread, pasta, crackers, most cereals, flour based products, white potatoes, white rice, and pasteurized dairy and cheese are all no-no's during this time. (Healthy foods like broccoli, cauliflower, chicken, turkey, fish, white pork are all exceptions to this rule).
2. Only drink water, NOTHING else! How about coffee? Just to keep any possible withdrawal headaches at bay, one small cup of organic black coffee. Can you add half and half?…Well is it white? Drink a minimum of 1/2 of your bodyweight in ounces of water each day (ex. If you weigh 200 lbs, you need to drink 100 ounces) to really see the fat fall off.
3. Don’t eat anything with the word wheat in the ingredients list. What if it’s whole wheat? Look, if the word starts with W and ends in T and has the letters h e a in between, you can’t eat it. This includes bread, pasta, crackers and cereal. Many packaged snack foods also contain wheat so be sure to read the ingredients list carefully, check out wheat free diets.
Are you up for this challenge? Apply these easy fat loss rules to your own eating plan for the next 2 weeks and I know you will be seeing some amazing fat loss results in no time.
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